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Marc Aucoin

519-888-4567 x36084
Location: E6 4012

Lisa Aultman-Hall

Chair, Systems Design Engineering
Lisa Aultman-Hall
Location: E5-6119
Link to profile: Lisa Aultman-Hall

Stephen Birkett

Associate Professor
519-888-4567 x45792
Location: E3 3158

Eline Boghaert

519-888-4567 x30183
Location: E6 5020
Contact for: BME 384

Orion Bruckman

Lab Instructor
519-888-4567 x45218
Location: E7 6402

Victoria Cotton

Academic Services Coordinator – BME Undergraduate Program
519 888 4567 x 36085
Location: E5-6124

Vivian Dayeh

Continuing Lecturer
519-888-4567 x37582
Location: B1 276A

Maud Gorbet

Professor and Director, Biomedical Engineering (BME) Program
519-888-4567 x42602
Location: E7-6434
Contact for: BME 461

Jason Grove

Graduate Attributes Lecturer and Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies Chemical Engineering
519-888-4567 x31640
Location: E6 4008

Jennifer Howcroft

519-888-4567 x40163
Location: E7 6308
Contact for: BME 161, BME 362

Jaimee Kropf

Academic Services Coordinator - BME Grad
Location: E5-6107

Eric Kubica

Lab Director
519-888-4567 x43074
Location: E7 6408

Jonathan Kusins

Assistant Professor
Jonathan Kusins
Location: E7 6328

Elise Laende

Assistant Professor (Orthopaedic biomechanics)
Elise Laende
519-888-4567 x43255
Location: E7 6404
Link to profile: Elise Laende

John Long

519-888-4567 x33133
Location: E5 4022

Ewen MacDonald

Associate Professor
Contact for: BME 101L

Tamara Maciel

Program Director, School of Anatomy
519-888-4567 x43717
Location: BMH 3684

Nima Maftoon

Assistant Professor
519-888-4567 x47654
Location: E7 6426

Veronika Magdanz

Assistant Professor
519-888-4567 x41532
Location: E7 6432

Michael Mayer

Associate Professor
Location: E5 3009

Chris McClellan

Design Instructor
519-888-4567 x49258
Location: E7 6414

Brendan McConkey

Associate Professor, Associate Chair Undergraduate Studies, Biology, and Undergraduate Advisor (Bioinformatics)
519-888-4567 x47020
Location: B1 165A

John McPhee

Professor and Canada Research Chair
519-888-4567 x35341
Location: E3 4114
Contact for: BME 182

Katja Mombaur

Professor and Canada Excellence Research Chair in Human-Centred Robotics and Machine Intelligence
519-888-4567 x40362
Location: E7 6448

Richard Nuckols

Assistant Professor, Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics
519-888-4567 x41598
Location: E3 4109

Nasim Paryab

519-888-4567 x37496
Location: E3 3109

Mahla Poudineh

Assistant Professor
519-888-4567 x33319
Location: QNC 3622

Parsin Haji Reza

Assistant Professor
519-888-4567 x40172
Location: E7 6416

Reem Roufail

519-888-4567 x46892
Location: E7 6312

Hamed Shahsavan

Assistant Professor
519-888-4567 x34805
Location: E6 2018

Milad Sikaroudi

Contact for: BME 411

Sean Speziale

519-888-4567 x43494
Location: MC 6512
Contact for: SYDE 111, SYDE 211

John Thistle

Associate Professor
519-888-4567 x32910
Location: EIT 3113
Contact for: BME 356

Bryan Tripp

Associate Professor
Bryan Tripp
519-888-4567 x30154
Location: E7 6326 + E5-6122
Link to profile: Bryan Tripp

James Tung

Associate Professor
519-888-4567 x43445
Location: E7 3428

Thomas Willett

Director, Biomedical Engineering graduate program and Associate Professor
519-888-4567 x48405
Location: E7 6438
Contact for: BME 181, BME 588

Bruce Wolff

519-888-4567 x38977
Location: ESC 357D

Alexander Wong

Professor, Canada Research Chair in AI and Medical Imaging

John Yeow

Professor, University Research Chair
519-888-4567 x32152
Location: E3 3159
Contact for: BME 386

Evelyn Yim

Associate Professor and University Research Chair
519-888-4567 x33928
Location: E6 4014

Billy Yiu

Research Assistant Professor
Contact for: BME 121

Calvin Young

BME Lab Instructor
519-888-4567 x41175
Location: E5 6102
Contact for: BME 281L, BME 285L

Alfred Yu

519-888-4567 x36908
Location: EIT 4125