Biomechanics and rehabilitation

Professor Information:

Dr. Tung's primary research is focused on developing advanced assistive technologies to prevent injuries, improve assessment/diagnostic capabilities, and optimizing treatment for individuals with chronic conditions. With expertise in neuromotor control, biomedical signal processing, and mechatronic devices, Dr. Tung develops and clinically tests novel healthcare technologies. Previous projects include developing prosthetics, exoskeletons, powered wheelchairs, brain-computer interfaces, and wearable sensors. 


  • Assistive technology 

  • Mobility devices 

  • Motor Rehabilitation 

  • Gait analysis 

  • Brain-computer interface (BCI) 

  • Wearable sensors 

Dr. Clark Dickerson’s overarching goal as a researcher is to produce new information to improve both working and general quality of life, with a particular focus on shoulder health and performance. 

My research program aims to generate new knowledge in four major areas: 

  • Fundamental shoulder function and dysfunction; 

  • Creation and validation of mathematical models to predict shoulder demands 

  • Applications of shoulder biomechanics to workplace injury prevention 

  • Rehabilitative and preventative strategies for ensuring shoulder health 

More information about previous and ongoing projects can be found on the website of my laboratory, Digital Ergonomics and Shoulder Evaluation Laboratory (DIESEL)


  • Shoulder biomechanics 

  • Digital human modeling 

  • Ergonomics 

  • Motion Capture 

  • Upper limb biomechanics 

  • Computational musculoskeletal modeling 

  • In vitro analysis 

Dr. John McPhee runs the Motion Research Group that specializes in dynamic simulation, model-based control, and design optimization of mechanical, mechatronic, and biomechatronic multibody systems. 

Some projects include wearable exoskeletons and protheses, autonomous and connected vehicles, stroke rehabilitation robotics, golf biomechanics and club optimization, Olympic and Paralympic sports optimization, dynamic walking and balance control, and human movement prediction for orthopedic surgery. 


  • Biomechatronics 

  • Multibody dynamic models and simulation 

  • Exoskeletons and rehabilitation robots 

  • Biomechanics 

  • Sports engineering 

  • Systems theory 

  • Model-based control 

  • Autonomous cars and vehicle dynamics 

  • Machine learning 

  • Computer vision 

  • Hybrid electric vehicles 

Adil Al-Mayah conducts research on biomechanical properties of soft tissues and medical applications, focusing on the development of new minimally invasive techniques to measure in vivo, and patient-specific mechanical properties of tissues. In addition, he has applied biomechanical modeling for image guided radiotherapy of the lungs, head-and-neck, liver, prostate, and breast. This has been contributing to the accurate delivery of radiotherapy doses to the tumor while sparing healthy tissues. 


  • Material properties and medical applications 

  • Composite material mechanics and applications 

  • Integration of imaging and mechanics for material characterizations 

  • Image processing and data analytics 

  • Medical imaging 

Nikolas Knowles research focuses on the development of a translational approach to improved understanding and treatment of osteoarthritis (OA). This encompasses the initiation and progression of early post-traumatic OA and understanding and treatment of late-stage OA, with the primary objective of improving diagnostic and therapeutic patient care. In pursuit of this objective, I use novel imaging techniques to develop imaging biomarkers to determine early OA related joint changes and to understand characteristics and treatment of late-stage OA. Imaging is coupled with experimental biomechanical testing to develop validated computational models to further understand mechanistic pathways leading to joint degeneration. 


  • Upper-extremity biomechanics  

  • Orthopaedic biomechanics  

  • Osteoarthritis 

  • Computational modeling  

  • Imaging 

Arash Arami is the director of Neuromechanics and Assistive Robotics Laboratory, an active member of Waterloo Robohub, Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology and Waterloo AI institute. He is also an affiliated Scientist at KITE institute, Toronto Rehab Institute (University Health Network). 

Dr. Arash Arami was also a Research Associate at Human Robotics Group at Imperial College London, from August 2015 to December 2017, working mainly on modelling human neuromechanics and design of collaborative controllers for exoskeletons. He was also a Postdoctoral Researcher at Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne (EPFL) from March 2014 to August 2015 in the Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement, when his research was more focused on wearable systems, signal processing and application of machine learning in human movement analysis. He obtained his PhD from EPFL in 2014 on design and evaluation of smart prostheses, and kinematics estimation and loosening detection of endoprostheses.


  • Assistive Robotics 

  • Human-Robot Interaction 

  • Machine Learning 

  • Rehabilitation Engineering 

  • Neuromechanics and Sensorimotor Modeling 

  • Neural Control of Movements 

  • Intelligent Systems 

  • Wearable Systems 

  • Applied AI 

Nima Maftoon oversees two labs: the Hearing Lab and the Computational Metastasis Lab

The long-term research goal of the Hearing Lab is to develop advanced devices and methods for diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss and other auditory pathologies. Such work requires discoveries about the processes involved in hearing as well as developing innovative engineering solutions. To serve these requirements, we use and advance knowledge in fields such as biomechanics, solid and fluid mechanics, acoustics, system identification and hearing physiology. The research portfolio of the Hearing Lab includes device development, advanced acoustic and vibration measurements and analysis in animal and human ears supplemented with analytical and computational modelling. 

The Computational Metastasis Lab is focused on developing predictive tools that enable personalized cancer treatments. The lab uses advanced computational mechanics algorithms in conjunction with clinical image processing in creation of the predictive tools. We measure data in-vitro and in-vivo in human and animals to validate our mathematical models of tumor-cell circulation, intravasation and extravasation using advanced optical methods and using clinical modalities. 


  • Hearing Science 

  • Auditory Mechanics 

  • Medical Devices 

  • Hearing implants 

  • Diganostic tools 

  • Biomechanics 

  • Vibration 

  • Acoustics, Otolaryngology 

  • Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 

  •  Physiological measurements and modelling 

  • Cancer mechanics 

  • Metastasis 

  • Computational Oncology 

Stewart McLachlin is a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (MME) at the University of Waterloo. He runs the Orthapaedic Mechatronics (ORTHOtron) Laboratory is focused on a multidisciplinary approach to develop and evaluate orthopaedic interventions, ranging from robotic manipulators to characterize bone-implant mechanics to wearable sensors for musculoskeletal rehabilitation monitoring. 


  • Biomechanics 

  • Orthopaedic surgery 

  • Implant design 

  • Bio-mechanical testing 

  • Computational modeling 

  • Computer-assisted surgery 

Dr. Sean Peterson is head of the UW Fluid Flow Physics group, focusing on understanding fundamental and applied fluid mechanics problems using a blend of analytical modelling, numerical simulation, and experimental observation.  

One of Professor Peterson’s research projects is Energy Harvesting from Small-Scale Fluid Structures, which addresses the challenge of extracting usable energy from small-scale aquatic environments. More specifically, this program seeks to exploit coherent fluid flow structures for energy harvesting. 

Professor Peterson’s group is also heavily involved in studying the Laminar Flow in a Curved Tube with an Implanted Stent Model.


  • Fluid mechanics 

  • Biofluid mechanics 

  • Cardiovascular flows 

  • Energy harvesting 

  • Fluid-structure interaction 

  • Underwater propulsion 

  • Smart materials 

  • Vortex dynamics 

  • Optical diagnostic methods for fluid mechanics 

Professor Willett’s research interests concern the mechanics and engineering of skeletal biomaterials and tissues.  

His lab summarizes their efforts as interdisciplinary investigation and innovation for improved bone health and repair. A great deal of what we do concerns structure-function-property relationships, how these change with aging and disease in bone, and how they can be optimized in the development of superior structural biomedical materials. We specialize in mechanical testing of biomedical and biological materials. 


  • Mechanics of Biomedical and Biological Materials 

  • Bone Mechanics, especially Fracture Mechanics 

  • Bone Quality and Fragility 

  • Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering 

  • Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing 

  • Mechanical testing 

  • Fracture mechanics 

  • Collagen 

Dr. Maly’s research program focuses on developing biomechanically-sound physical activity guidelines for adults with the most common forms of arthritis that are associated with aging. Promoting physical activity is paramount to the well-being of Canadian adults as they age - exercise provides as much pain relief for arthritic pain as drugs, while also reducing the risk for co-morbidities including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Dr. Maly uses biomechanical methods to evaluate the impact of physical activity on joint health, with an aim to develop guidelines for physical activity that promote health and productivity, while minimizing the risk for arthritis progression. 


  • Knee biomechanics 

  • Osteoarthritis 

  • Clinical outcomes 

  • Mobility 

  • Exercise 

  • Muscle 

  • Imaging and disability 

Elise Laende served as the Research Manager for the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Nova Scotia Health Authority, in Halifax from 2009-2019, managing a clinical research program, focused primarily on hip and knee replacements. She concurrently completed a PhD Biomedical Engineering at Dalhousie University, using high-resolution imaging techniques to quantify implant fixation in patients. Her current post-doctoral work at Queen’s University and the Kingston Health Sciences Centre is focused on the application of markerless motion capture technology to measure biomechanics in orthopaedic patients.

  • Orthopaedics 

  • Hip and knee replacements 

  • Motion capture technology 

  • Biomechanics 

Dr. Cronin’s expertise lies in the areas of impact mechanics, material characterization applied to trauma biomechanics, auto crash and occupant simulation, and multi-material lightweight vehicles.

The development of advanced numerical models and interpretation of physical test data for impact events requires a fundamental understanding of high-deformation rate material properties, followed by implementation using appropriate constitutive equations in numerical codes. Test equipment supporting this research includes a suite of high deformation rate Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar apparatus; and intermediate, rate and standard hydraulic test frames to measure mechanical properties, complemented by high-speed imaging and digital image correlation.

  • Impact and trauma biomechanics
  • Auto Crash and Occupant Simulation
  • Material Characterization
  • Automotive
  • Human Safety and Protection

Naveen Chandrashekar's research interests are in orthopaedic biomechanics, the design of biomedical devices, and tissue engineering. Professor Chandrashekar and his team are conducting innovative research on the anterior cruciate ligament, commonly known as the ACL. He has designed a simulator to enact the movements of a human knee to measure the damage inflicted on the ACL during athletic maneuvers. A sensor is attached to the mechanical ligament on the knee simulator, and readings from the sensor provide insight into how different motions and factors like movement from the hip influence the injury. Using this approach, the team is working on designing and evaluating new knee braces.

  • Knee Mechanics
  • Orthopaedics
  • Ligament Injury
  • Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
  • Implant Design
  • Cartilage Injury
  • In-Vitro Injury Simulation
  • Tissue Engineering
  • Instrumentation Design

General fields of application of the research programs include:

  • Recovery optimization 

  • Injury prevention 

  • Assistive devices 

  • Solid biomechanics 

  • Fluid biomechanics