Contact us

Department Administration

Chair, Systems Design Engineering

Lisa Aultman-Hall, E5-6119

Undergraduate Program

Director, Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program

Maud Gorbet, E7-6434, x38590

Academic Services Coordinator - Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program

TBD, E5-6124, x46085

Graduate Studies

Associate Chair Graduate Studies

Nima Maftoon, E7 6426, x47654

Academic Services Coordinator - BME Grad

Jaimee Kropf, E5 6107

SYDE-BME Faculty

EngChat Program

Interested in speaking virtually with a current student? You'll have the chance to talk to one of our current Engineering students about the Engineering program, Co-op experiences, academics and what it's like to be a student at the University of Waterloo!