BME capstone team wins Engineer of the Future Fund award

Friday, December 1, 2023
BME Capstone Team Saturn

Amanda Johnson, Ceili Minten, Kate Harvey, and Sam Burke

Fourth year Biomedical Engineering (BME) students Amanda Johnson, Ceili Minten, Kate Harvey, and Sam Burke received the Engineer of the Future Fund award for the Capstone Design Project, SATURN (Sensory Awareness of Touch Upper-limb Radial Network). 

The team designed a device for trans-radial upper limb amputee prosthetic accessory users to sense and deliver pressure touch in a matched-modality form.

The Engineer of the Future Fund provides micro-seed funding to Waterloo students creating new ventures and leveraging disruptive technology. Selected projects are making a positive impact on advancing the human condition through innovative engineering.

Congratulations to the SATURN team! The completed design will be showcased at the Capstone Design Symposium in March 2024.


SATURN: Sensory Awareness of Touch Upper-limb Radial Network