CIW Engagement
- A Profile of Wellbeing in Waterloo Region 2018
- 2018 Waterloo Region Community Wellbeing Survey
- 2013 Waterloo Region Community Wellbeing Survey
A Profile of Wellbeing in Waterloo Region (regional CIW indicator report)
The CIW partnered with Wellbeing Waterloo Region (WWR) to produce a profile of wellbeing for residents in Waterloo Region in 2018. WWR is a community-led initiative working to improve the wellbeing of all residents.

Read the January 2018 report A Profile of Wellbeing in Waterloo Region
The report uses data gathered by the most recently available national, provincial and regional sources to create a wellbeing profile of Waterloo Region and its residents. The report provides the Region’s position relative to the Central Region of Ontario, the province of Ontario overall, and Canada. Using the eight defined CIW domains and indicators of wellbeing, this report outlines where Waterloo Region is doing well, and where it could be doing better.
Waterloo Region Second Community Wellbeing Survey 2018

From April to August 2018, the CIW partnered with Wellbeing Waterloo Region and The Kitchener-Waterloo Community Foundation (KWCF) once again to conduct a second Community Wellbeing Survey. The 2018 Community Wellbeing Survey was conducted in order to provide detailed information on the quality of life of residents of Waterloo Region. By conducting a second survey, Wellbeing Waterloo Region has the opportunity to draw comparisons between the 2013 and 2018 survey data, in order to continue to make changes that reflect the current needs of residents.
- This report highlights initial findings from the Waterloo Region Community Wellbeing Survey data. It provides a demographic profile of residents and measures overall wellbeing in the form of summary and descriptive statistics.
Report #2: Waterloo Region Community Wellbeing Survey PowerPoint Summary of Results (PPT)
Report #2: Waterloo Region Community Wellbeing Survey Powerpoint Summary of Results (PDF)
- This second report provides a more in-depth look at the results of the survey through overviews and statistics of the CIW's eight defined domains of wellbeing. The PowerPoint format provides flexibility for easy interpretation and use of these results.
Prompt for Discussion: Waterloo Region Community Wellbeing Survey: A prompt for discussion (PDF)
- This document highlights some of the findings from the 2018 Waterloo Region Community Wellbeing Survey. It includes comparisons of survey findings to other data sources, including the first survey conducted in the region in 2013. Census statistical data was also used in order to compare health outcomes to citizen perceptions.
Waterloo Region First Community Wellbeing Survey 2013
We were pleased to partner with The Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation (KWCF) to conduct the first CIW Community Wellbeing Survey in Waterloo Region in 2013.
Report #1: Report #1: A Profile of the Wellbeing of the Residents of Waterloo Region (PDF)
- The initial report presents preliminary findings from the residents’ responses to all of the questions based on each of the eight CIW domains. The data were weighted to ensure that results are representative geographically within Waterloo Region and that the sex and age distribution matched the profile for Waterloo Region based on the 2011 Census.
Report #2: A Comparison of Waterloo Region Residents On Selected Aspects of Their Wellbeing (PDF)
- The second report provides a more in-depth look at the results of the survey. In discussion with KWCF, two factors were selected as focal lenses for further analysis of the survey results: (1) sense of belonging to local community: weaker sense of belonging, neutral (neither weak nor strong sense of belonging), and stronger sense of belonging; and (2) annual household income: under $40,000 per year, $40,000 to $79,999 per year, $80,000 to $119,000 per year, and $120,000 and greater per year.
Community Outcomes
- Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation (KWCF) Vital Signs Reports
- KWCF We Can Design Belonging (2014)
- Woolwich Community Health Centre (WCHC) Community Needs and Capacity Assessment Report (2014)
- Waterloo Wellington Local Health Integration Network (WWLHIN) Performance Dashboard
KWCF Vital Signs
Between 2007 and 2016, KWCF measured the vitality of Waterloo Region through Vital Signs®. In 2017, KWCF Vital Signs aligned with Wellbeing Waterloo Region to focus on keys areas of wellbeing: Healthy Children & Youth, Social inclusion and Affordable Housing.
The Vital Signs Reports:
2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016
- 2015 (5:28 mins video)

Image: Vital Signs Priorities, 2017
KWCF also commissioned a study on Belonging. The final report, We Can Design Belonging (2014) adds local context to the CIW's Community Vitality Domain and sense of belonging to local community indicator. The report provides lots of recommendations aimed at improving sense of belonging, which in turn, will improve the overall wellbeing of residents.
Woolwich Community Health Centre (WCHC) used the CIW framework and CIW survey data for Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich townships in their Community Needs and Capacity Assessment Report (2014). The report identifies wellbeing priorities, which will be acted on, not only by WCHC, but by their partners (Community Care Concepts, Woolwich Community Services, and Wilmot Family Resource Centre) as well as other agencies and groups that serve the rural townships.
Waterloo Wellington Local Health Integration Network (WWLHIN) is using the CIW framework to build a performance dashboard.