Percentage of labour force with regular, weekday work hours

What it measures

Dimension: Timing

This indicator reports the proportion of Canadians who work at a job during regular, daytime hours from Monday to Friday. This schedule is in contrast to anti-social or atypical work hours that occur mainly during evenings (between 4 pm and midnight), nights (between midnight and 8 a.m.), weekends, and/or on a rotating basis that changes between days, evenings and/or nights. Anti-social work schedules diverge from the rhythms and routines of traditional social, family, and community life. By contrast, a regular weekday work schedule allows people to more easily synchronize their routines with family members, and with the services, programs, and volunteer activities in their communities.

Why this matters

When schedules deviate from a typical Monday to Friday workday routine, negative wellbeing effects have been identified such as poorer sleep, higher stress levels, increased symptoms of depression, and lower perceptions of personal health. As well, anti-social schedules can challenge family scheduling, marital happiness, and overall quality of health. Consequently, higher rates of regular weekday work hours are a positive indicator of wellbeing.

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