Health: How do I Co-op?
Health: How do I Co-op? on Sep 19, 2024 05:30 PM to 06:30 PM
Health: How do I Co-op? on Sep 19, 2024 05:30 PM to 06:30 PM
Are you getting ready for co-op? Unsure where to start? Learn more in this workshop for architecture students who are preparing to find their first co-op job. In this workshop, we will answer questions such as: How does co-op work? How do I contact my co-op advisor? How and when should I start looking for jobs?
Are you getting ready for co-op? Unsure where to start? Learn more in this workshop for undergraduate students from the Environment Faculty who are preparing to find their first co-op job. In this workshop, we will answer questions such as: How does co-op work? How do I contact my co-op advisor? How and when should I start looking for jobs? Pizza will be provided.
We will also be hosting a pop-up in EV1 on October 10 from 11am to 1pm.
Are you getting ready for co-op? Unsure where to start? Learn more in this workshop for undergraduate students from the Arts Faculty who are preparing to find their first co-op job. In this workshop, we will answer questions such as: How does co-op work? How do I contact my co-op advisor? How and when should I start looking for jobs?
Are you getting ready for co-op? Unsure where to start? Learn more in this workshop for undergraduate students from the Math Faculty who are preparing to find their first co-op job. In this workshop, we will answer questions such as: How does co-op work? How do I contact my co-op advisor? How and when should I start looking for jobs?
Come meet other co-op students moving to the same area as you at the Co-op Connection pre-work term Board Game Café Mixer on Thursday, November 21, 2024, from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. in the Tatham Centre (TC). Grab a board game and enjoy some snacks with others who may be your future roommates, coworkers, or friends next term!
Let us know you are coming by submitting your registration form. Join us for a chill night of board games. We hope to see you there!
Are you getting ready for co-op? Unsure where to start? Learn more in this workshop for undergraduate students from all faculties who are preparing to find their first co-op job. In this workshop, we will answer questions such as: How does co-op work? How do I contact my co-op advisor? How and when should I start looking for jobs?
Are you getting ready for co-op? Unsure where to start? Learn more in this workshop for graduate students from all faculties who are preparing to find their first co-op job. In this workshop, we will answer questions such as: How does co-op work? How do I contact my co-op advisor? How and when should I start looking for jobs?
In this session for 1B Faculty of Health students you will: