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Centre for Career Development

General inquiries
Contact for: General Inquiries

Becky Anderson (she/her)

Career Advisor
519-888-4567 x40588

Anupama Aery (she/her)

Career Advisor
519-888-4567 x41254

Sarah Badran

Career Advisor
519-888-4567 x40951

Lindy Bancroft (she/her)

Career Programming and Events Specialist
Lindy Bancroft
519-888-4567 x40889

Mary Lynne Bartlett (she/her)

Communications Specialist
519-888-4567 x46912

Graeme Beaton (he/him)

Career Advisor, Career Leader Program Supervisor (Workshops & Events)
Graeme Beaton
519-888-4567 x40403

Kira Bruschke (she/her)

Career Advisor
519-888-4567 x41903

Tiffany Chen (she/her)

Career Advisor
Tiffany Chen
519-888-4567 x41270

Tamara DeSouza

Career Advisor
519-888-4567 x40413

Kristen Eppel

Manager, Career Innovation and Communication
519-888-4567 x40450

Alicia Flatt (she/her)

Career Advisor
Alicia Flatt
519-888-4567 x42907

Molly Furness (she/her)

Career Advisor
519-888-4567 x43098

Tanya Gillert (she/her)

Career Advisor
519-888-4567 x47363

Vanya Rachel Gnaniah (she/her)

Career Advisor - on leave
519-888-4567 x40972

Ryan Hana (he/him)

Manager, Business Process and Analytics
519-888-4567 x41917

Kait Hazzard

Manager, Centre for Career Development
519-888-4567 x46041

Kate Kennedy

Career Advisor
Kate Kennedy
519-888-4567 x41486

Jessica Lang (she/her)

Associate Director, Undergraduate Services
519-888-4567 x40581
Contact for: Undergraduate student career support services; first co-op recruiting term success; opportunities to collaborate with CCA

Philip Miletic (he/him)

Career Advisor
519-888-4567 x47365

Khyati Nagar (she/her)

Educational Developer, Career Programming
Khyati Nagar
519-888-4567 x40121

Lauryn Poulin (she/her)

Career Advisor
519-888-4567 x40448

Erica Refling

Manager, Undergraduate Career Services
519-888-4567 x40449

Nasim Shojayi (she/her)

Manager, Graduate and Lifelong Learning Services
519-888-4567 x42924
Location: TC 3227

Kolette Wallace

Client Support Representative
519-888-4567 x40466

Anika Williams-Hewitt (she/her)

Career Advisor, Career leader program supervisor (Drop-ins and Appointments)
Contact for: Undergraduate student career support services; undergraduate career planning; Career Leader drop-ins and appointments; collaboration

Shilan (she/her)

Career Advisor
519-888-4567 x42033

Kierra Young (she/her)

Career Advisor
Kierra Young
519-888-4567 x42058

Sarah Cook

Client Service Representative - on leave
519-888-4567 x41815
Location: TC 1215

Molly Furness

Career Advisor
519-888-4567 x43098

Seyra Kraal

Administrative and Financial Co-ordinator
519-888-4567 x40741
Location: TC 1216

Lesley Robertson

Client Support Representative
519-888-4567 x40436