Contact Information

Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Phone: 519-888-4567 x36095
Location: E5 3007
Biography Summary
Norman Zhou is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, and is also a member of the Waterloo Institute of Technology at the University of Waterloo.
He has held the University Research Chair in Microjoining since 2014, and is also the Director of the Centre for Advanced Materials Joining (CAMJ) at the University of Waterloo. CAMJ aims to develop innovative technologies for materials joining, including micro- and nano-joining. CAMJ collaborates with leading companies in the industry for research and development, and also trains and works with students.
Professor Zhou’s expertise lies in the areas of advanced welding and joining technologies, nanomaterials fabrication in applications such as water treatment, and laser processing of shape memory alloys. His research at the CAMJ has applications in several areas such as microelectronics, medical, and automotive industries. Professor Zhou’s research goal is to develop practical interconnection and assembly technologies of nano-devices.
He has authored and co-authored over 250 refereed journal papers and several books, including “Microjoining and Nanojoining” and “Joining and Assembly of Medical Materials and Devices”. Professor Zhou is a fellow of ASM International and the American Welding Society, as well as a co-founder of
Research Interests
- Advanced Materials Joining
- Microjoining
- Nanojoining
- Bonding Mechanisms
- Joint Performance
- Materials Science And Technology
- Mathematical Modeling
- Automotive
- Medical Components And Devices
- Nanotechnology
- L ightweight Materials
- Nano-electronics
- Nano-materials
- Drinking Water
- Process Development & Optimization
- Metallurgy
- Computational Modelling
- Process Monitoring
- Welding (laser Resistance Welding Etc.) For Automotive Applications
- Brazing/Soldering
- Additive Manufacturing
- Water
- Nanotechnology
- Advanced Manufacturing
- 1994, Doctorate, Metcallurgy and Materials Science, University of Toronto
- 1986, Master's, Mechincal Enginering, Tsinghua University
- 1983, Bachelor's, Mechnical Engineering, Tsinghua University
- ME 535 - Welding Metallurgy
- Taught in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
- ME 735 - Special Topics - Welding and Joining
- Taught in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Selected/Recent Publications
Year 2019
P.D. Enrique, Z. Jiao, Y. Zhou, Effect of Direct Aging on Heat-Affected Zone and Tensile Properties of Electrospark-Deposited Alloy 718, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 50(1), 2019, 285-294 Link
A.A. Shokati, Y. Zhou, Z.J. Wen, , Dissimilar Joining of Carbon/Carbon Composites to Ti6Al4V Using Reactive Resistance Spot Welding, J. Alloys Compd., 772, 2019, 418-428 Link
- B. Panton, A. Michael, Y. Zhou, M.I. Khan, Effects of post-processing on the thermomechanical fatigue properties of laser modified NiTi, Inter. J. Fatigue, 118, 2019, 307-315 Link
Year 2018
- D. Shen, M. Xiao, G. Zou, L. Liu, W.W. Duley, Y. Zhou, Self-Powered Wearable Electronics Based on Moisture Enabled Electricity Generation, Adv. Mater., 30, 2018, 1705925 (8pp) with an inside back cover Link
- R. Liang, O.M. Schneider, N. Lun, P.D. Enrique, D. C. Saha, L.C.M. Li, C. Fong, I. Jaciw-Zurakowsky, M. R. Servosc, P. Peng, Y. Zhou, Concurrent Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Contaminants and Photocathodic Protection of Steel Ag – TiO2 Composites, Materialia, 3, 2018, 212-217 Link
- M.H. Razmpoosh, E. Biro, D.L. Chen, F. Goodwin, Y. Zhou, Liquid metal embrittlement in laser lap joining of TWIP and medium-manganese TRIP steel: The role of stress and grain boundaries, Materials Characterization, Mater. Charact., 145, 2018, 627-633 Link
- Z. Jiao, S. Peterkin, L. Felix, R. Liang, J.P. Oliveira, N. Schell, N. Scotchmer, E. Toyserkani, Y. Zhou, Surface Modification of 304 Stainless Steel by Electro-Spark Deposition, ASM J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 27(9), 2018, 4799-4809 Link
- P.D. Enrique, Y. Mahmoodkhani, E. Marzbanrad, E. Toyserkani, Y. Zhou, In Situ Formation of Metal Matrix Composites using Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing), Mater. Lett., 232, 2018, 179-182 Link
- N. Nandihalli, R. Liang, D. Wijethunge, Y. Zhou, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of Ni0.05Mo3Sb5.4Te1.6 composites with NiSb nanocoating, AIP Advances 8, 2018, 125304 Link
- M.H. Razmpoosh, A. Macwan, E. Biro, D.L. Chen, Y. Peng, F. Goodwin Y. Zhou, Liquid metal embrittlement in laser beam welding of Zn-coated 22MnB5 steel, Mater. Des., 337(15), 2018, 536-543 Link
- P.D. Enrique, Z. Jiao, Y. Zhou, E. Toyserkani, Effect of Microstructure on Tensile Properties of Electrospark Deposition Repaired Ni-superalloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 729, 2018, 268-275 Link
- Z. Zhao, G. Zou, H. Zhang, H. Ren, L. Liu, Y. Zhou, The mechanism of pore segregation in the sintered nano Ag for high temperature power electronics applications, Mater. Lett., 228(10), 2018, 168-171 Link
- J. Yang, Z.S. Yu, Y.L. Li, H. Zhang, W. Guo, P. Peng, Y.N. Zhou, Formation and Toughening Mechanisms of Dispersions in Interfacial Intermetallics of Dissimilar Laser Al/Steel Joints, ASM J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 27(8), 2018, 4107-4114 Link
- J. Yang, J. Chen, W. Zhao, P. Zhang, Z. Yu, Y. Li, Z. Zeng, Y. Zhou, Diode Laser Welding/Brazing of Aluminum Alloy to Steel Using a Nickel Coating, Appl. Sci., 8, 2018, 922 (11pp) Link
- A. Michael, Y. Zhou, M. Yavuz, M.I. Khan, Deconvolution of Overlapping Peaks from Differential Scanning Calorimetry Analysis for Multi-phase NiTi Alloys, Thermochimica Acta, 665(10), 2018, 53-59 Link
- M.H. Razmpoosh, A. Macwan, E. Biro, Y. Zhou, Effect of coating weight on fiber laser welding of Galvanneal-coated 22MnB5 press hardening steel, Surf. Coat. Technol., 337(15), 2018, 536-543 Link
- P. Russo, M. Xiao, R. Liang, Y. Zhou, UV-induced multilevel current amplification memory effect in zinc oxide rods resistive switching devices, Adv. Funct. Mater., 28(13), 2018, 1706230 (9pp) Link
- S.L. Gora, A. Sokolowski, M. Hatat-Fraile, R. Liang, Y. Zhou, S.A. Andrews, Solar Photocatalysis with Modified Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysts: Effects on Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection Byproduct Formation Potential, Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 4, 2018, 1361-1376 Link
- J. Yang, Z. Yu, Y. Li, H. Zhang, W. Guo, Y. Zhou, Influence of alloy elements on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al/steel dissimilar joint by laser welding/brazing, Weld. World, 62, 2018, 427-33 Link
- Q. Jia, W. Guo, Z. Wan, Y. Peng, G. Zou, Z. Tian, Y. Zhou, Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser welded dissimilar joints between QP and boron alloyed martensitic steels, J. Mater. Proc. Technol., 259, 2018, 259, September 2018, 58-67 Link
- M. Xiao, D. Shen, K.P. Musselman, W.W. Duley, Y. Zhou, Oxygen Vacancies Migration/Diffusion Induced Synaptic Plasticity in a Single Titanate Nanobelt, Nanoscale, 10, 2018, 6069-6079 Link
- Y. Ye, G. Zou, W. Long, H. Bai, A. Wu, L. Liu, Y. Zhou, TLP repaired IN738LC superalloy with uneven surface defect gap width after post heat treatment: Microstructure and mechanical properties, J. Alloys Compd., 748, 2018, 26-35 Link
- D. Shen, G. Zou, L. Liu, A. Wu, W.W. Duley, Y. Zhou, Investigation of impact and spreading of molten nanosized gold droplet on solid surfaces, Appl. Optics, 57(9), 2018, 2080-2086 Link
- J. Yang, Z. Yu, Y. Li, H. Zhang, Y. Zhou, Laser welding/brazing of 5182 aluminum alloy to ZEK100 magnesium alloy using a nickel interlayer, Sci. Technol. Weld. Join., 23(7), 2018, 543-550 Link
- J.P. Oliveira, Z. Zeng, S. Berveiller, D. Bouscaud, F.M. Braz Fernandes, R.M. Miranda,Y. Zhou, Laser Welding of Cu-Al-Be Shape Memory Alloys: microstructure and mechanical properties, Mater. Des., 148, 2018, 145-152 Link
- P.D. Enrique, Z. Jiao, Y. Zhou, E. Toyserkani, Dendritic Coarsening Model for Rapid Solidification of Ni-superalloy via Electrospark Deposition, J. Mater. Proc. Technol., 258, 2018, 138-143 Link
- J.J. Guzman-Aguilera, C.J. Martinez-Gonzalez, V.H. Baltazar-Hernandez, S. Basak, S.K. Panda, M.H. Razmpoosh, A. Gerlich, Y. Zhou, Influence of SC-HAZ microstructure on the mechanical behavior of Si-TRIP steel welds, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 718, 2018, 216-227 Link
- S.L. Gora, R. Liang, Y. Zhou, S.A. Andrews, Photocatalysis with easily recoverable linear engineered TiO2 nanomaterials to prevent the formation of disinfection byproducts in drinking water, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 6(1), 2018, 197-207 Link
- Q. Jia, L. Liu, W. Guo, Y. Peng, G. Zou, Z. Tian, Y. Zhou, Microstructure and Tensile-shear Properties of Resistance Spot Welded Medium Mn Steel, Metals, 8(1), 2018, 48(13 pages) Link
- D. Shen, G. Zou, L. Liu, W. Zhao, A. Wu, W.W. Duley, Y. Zhou, Scalable High-Performance Ultraminiature Graphene Micro-Supercapacitors by a Hybrid Technique Combining Direct Writing and Controllable Micro-Droplet Transfer, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10(6), 2018, 5404-5412 Link
- L.H. Shah, A. Gerlich, Y. Zhou, Design guideline for intermetallic compound mitigation in Al-Mg dissimilar welding through addition of interlayer, Inter. J. Adv. Manuf. Tech., 94(5-8), 2018, 2667-2678 Link
- S. Gora, R. Liang, Y. Zhou, S. Andrews, Settleable engineered titanium dioxide nanomaterials for the removal of natural organic matter from drinking water, Chem. Eng. J., 334(2), 2018, 638-649 Link