Waterloo This-Idea-Must-Die Day

Monday, December 14, 2015 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

The University of Waterloo Cognitive Science program examines what concepts and theories are blocking progress in understanding mind, brain and intelligence?


1. Autism as Disability, Brian Cozzarin, Management Sciences

2. Character Trait, Igor Grossmann, Psychology

3. Conceptual Metaphor, Randy Harris, English

4. Deep Learning, Chrysanne DiMarco, Computer Science

5. Digital Dementia, Marcel O’Gorman, English

6. Fusiform Face Area, James Danckert, Psychology

7. High Precision Tool, Daniel Berry, Computer Science

8. Memes, Paul Thagard, Philosophy

9. Minds are Internal, John Savarese, English

10. Nature vs. Nurture, Heather Henderson, Psychology

11. Right and Wrong, Jeff Orchard, Computer Science

12. The Right Level, Chris Eliasmith, Philosophy and Systems Design 

13. Taking the Average, Terry Stewart, Theoretical Neuroscience

14. Unbounded Rationality, Jesse Hoey, Computer Science

A $100 prize will be awarded to the student who best identifies two or more ideas that deserve to die together.

Waterloo this idea must die day poster