Professor and Chair

Katja Mombaur
Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics
Optimization and Biomechanics for Human-Centred Robotics
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Email: katja.mombaur@kit.edu
On leave - Canada Excellence Research Chair in Human-Centred Robotics and Machine Intelligence
Department of Systems Design Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Cross-appointed in Applied Mathematics
Email: katja.mombaur@uwaterloo.ca
Project Management
Laboratory Managers / Postdoctoral Fellows (PDF)

Francisco Javier Andrade Chavez
PDF and Human-Centred Robotics Lab Manager
Google Scholar
Research interests: humanoids, human-robot, interaction, wearable sensors, bio inspired robots
Email: fandrade@uwaterloo.ca
Lab: E7 6349; Office: E7 6454

Jonathan Feng Shun Lin
Human Motion Laboratory Manager
UWaterloo Scholar; Google Scholar
Research interests: human motion capture and modelling, motion quantification, physiotherapy
Email: jf2lin@uwaterloo.ca
Lab: E5 6111; Office: E7 6454

Mahsa Parsapour
UWaterloo Scholar
Research interests: control, human motion analysis, robotics, optimization
Email: mahsa.parsapour@uwaterloo.ca
Office: TBD

Ilknur Umay
Postdoctoral Fellow
Google Scholar; ResearchGate
Research interests: task and motion planning of multi-robot manipulation, artificial intelligence, biomedical robotics, control and automation, localization and mapping
Email: ilknur.umay@uwaterloo.ca
Office: E7 6332
PhD Students

Jan Lau
UWaterloo Scholar
Research interests: wearable robotics, optimal control, assistive technologies, biomedical engineering, wearable robotics acceptance in elderly people
Email: jan.lau@uwaterloo.ca
Office: E7 6468

Peter Q. Lee
UWaterloo Scholar
Research interests: computer vision, optimization, autonomous robots, healthcare
Email: pqjlee@uwaterloo.ca
Office: E7 6466

Anas Mahdi
UWaterloo Scholar
Research interests: assistive technology, biomedical engineering, physical human-robot interaction, sit-to-stand, rehabilitation
Email: a7mahdi@uwaterloo.ca
Office E7 6472

Vidyasagar (Sagar) Rajendran
UWaterloo Scholar
Research interests: robot-robot interaction, human-robot interaction, humanoids, optimal control, motion planning, AI and deep learning
Email: sagar.rajendran@uwaterloo.ca
Office: E7 6472

Will Thibault
Website; UWaterloo Scholar
Research interests: humanoid robotics, whole body motion, locomanipulation, bipedal locomotion, optimal control, motion planning, mechatronics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
Email: wcthibault@uwaterloo.ca
Office: E7 6466
Master of Applied Science (MASc) Students

Pranav Barot
UWaterloo Scholar
Research interests: machine intelligence, humanoid/intelligent robotics, signal processing, computer vision
Email: pbarot@uwaterloo.ca
Office: E7 6457

Christian Mele
UWaterloo Scholar
Research interests: exoskeletons, wearables, usability, pressure ulcers, skin breakdown, skin injury, spinal cord injury, long term use, rehabilitation, patient safety, multi sensor data fusion
Email: cmele@uwaterloo.ca
Office: E7 3447

Jiwon Yang
UWaterloo Scholar
Research interests: wearable robotics, assistive technologies, human-robot interaction, machine intelligence
Email: j244yang@uwaterloo.ca
Office: E7 6468
Research Assistant

Mennatallah Rihan
UWaterloo Scholar
Research interests: assistive robotics, wearable robotics, human-robot interaction
Email: msharihan@uwaterloo.ca
Office: E7 6362
Former members

Kareem Mostafa
UWaterloo Scholar; ResearchGate
Research interests: human-robot interaction, humanoid robotics, mechatronics, bipedal locomotion
Email: k3mostafa@uwaterloo.ca
Office: E7 6362

Claire Treacy
Co-op student (Jan-Apr 2023)
Work term focus: Development and assessment of standardized optimization test problems, evaluation of different optimization schemes on these problems with respect to different parameters, such as convergence time, computational complexity or parallelizability.

Mariam Busari
Co-op student (Jan-Apr 2023)
Work-term focus: Maintenance of motion capture lab. Involvement in passive exoskeleton assessment and push recovery research project.

Zonghao Dong
IEEE Profile
Research interests: System Integration, Physical Human-Robot Integration, Physical Assistive Robot
Email: z5dong@uwaterloo.ca
Office: 6468

Emily Mende
URA (Sept-Dec 2022)
Co-op student in the Motion Capture lab (May-Aug 2022)

Eunice Poon
URA (Sept-Dec 2022)
Co-op student in the Motion Capture lab (May-Aug 2022)

Christy Lee
Volunteer in the Motion Capture lab (May-Aug 2022)

Max Jalea
International Visiting Graduate Student from Heidelberg University (Jun to Sept 2022)

Neil Fernandes
URA in the Human-Centred Robotics lab (May 2022)

Lukas Becker
International Visiting Graduate Student from Heidelberg University (Sept 2021-Mar 2022)

Clare Wei
Co-op student in the Motion Capture lab (Sept-Dec 2021)
Undergraduate Research Assistant (May-Aug 2021 and Jan-Apr 2022)

Marie Charbonneau
Postdoctoral Fellow (Jan-Aug 2021)

Saad Hossain
Co-op student in the Human-Centred Robotics lab (May-Aug 2021)

Charmaine Lam
Undergraduate Research Assistant in the Motion Capture lab (May-Aug 2021)

Nik Provenzano
University of British Columbia visiting intern in the Human-Centred Robotics lab (May-Aug 2021)