Lab Members


Trevor Charles

Principal Investigator
Trevor Charles headshot
519-888-4567 x35606
Location: B1 377C
Link to profile: Trevor Charles

Alyssa Overton, MSc

Lab and Project Manager
Alyssa Overton Headshot
Location: B1 377C

Managing wastewater based research and surveillance projects including for viral targets, AMR discovery and untargeted metagenomic sequencing. Lab managing - contact for lab-upkeep related queries and requests.

Link to profile: Profile

Jenn Knapp, MSc

Microbiology Research Coordinator
Jenn Knapp headshot
Location: B1 377C

Jenn organizes research projects and associated data, maintains archived lab data, performs data analysis, outlines project objectives, writes research grant applications, and generally supports graduate students, undergraduate students, staff members, and other lab members throughout their projects.

Yemurayi Chipochashe Hungwe

Research Assistant
Yemu Hungwe Headshot
Location: B1 375A

Wastewater Research - SARS-CoV-2 and other viral targets, AMR 

Shiv Rakesh Naik

Research Assistant
headshot photo of Shiv Naik
Location: B1 375A

Wastewater Research - SARS-CoV-2 and other viral targets, AMR 

Samran Rahemtulla Prasla

Research Assistant
Samran Prasla Headshot
Location: B1 375A

Wastewater Research - SARS-CoV-2 and other viral targets, AMR 

Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows

Oludoyin Adigun, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow
519-888-4567 x35833
Location: B1 377B, FED 1032D

Eugenia Dadzie

PhD Student
headshot photo of Eugenia Dadzie
519-888-4567 x42077
Location: TC 1209

Eugenia’s research focuses on petrochemical plastics biodegradation. Her goal is to engineer Pseudomonas putida strains capable of degrading polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics as well as utilize PET plastics as feedstock for the production of PHA bioplastics. She is also pursuing an MBET degree.

ZiYu Kuang, MSc

PhD Student
Location: B1 377B

Zjardyn Liera-Hood, M. Binf.

PhD Candidate
headshot photo of Zjardyn Liera-Hood
Location: B1 377B

Zjardyn’s research focuses on plastic biodegradation in Rhodococcus species. He also leverages his background in molecular genetics and bioinformatics to understand the effects of microplastics in freshwater ecosystems.

Minghui Ma

PhD Student
Minghui Ma Headshot
Location: B1 375A

Ally Miners

MSc Student
Location: B1 377D

Delaney Nash, MSc

PhD Candidate

Focus: Virology

Co-supervised by Dr. Joseph Nissimov

Nicole Schulz

PhD Candidate
Location: B1 377D

Aranksha Thakor

PhD Candidate
Location: B1 377D

Shahrzad Zahedifar

PhD Student

Co-supervised by Dr. Andrew Doxey