Applied Language Studies (APPLS) combines the application of second language theories to the practice of learning, teaching, and assessing second languages.
Integrating a wide range of perspectives, APPLS is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the nature of language. APPLS encompasses a wide range of topics and concerns from theoretical perspectives on second language acquisition, to concepts of culture and identity in respect to language and learning, and methodologies for teaching and assessment.
APPLS is an interdisciplinary area of study and is an excellent fit for students interested in:
- learning a foreign language
- teaching second language learners
- pursuing teacher's college
- studying Applied Linguistics at the graduate level
- applying to Speech-Language Pathology programs
Applied Language Studies is administered by the Culture and Language Studies department in co-operation with the following participating University of Waterloo departments and disciplines:
- Classical Studies
- French Studies
- East Asian Studies
- English Language Studies
- Germanic and Slavic Studies
- Italian Studies (St. Jerome’s)
- Religious Studies
- Spanish and Latin American Studies
- Studies in Islamic and Arab Cultures
Academic Plans
There are two different academic plans open to students participating in Applied Language Studies: