09/14: An update on safety information for the Fall term

From: UWaterloo Communications 
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2022 
To: Graduate students
Subject: An update on safety information for the Fall term

September 13, 2022

Masks and rapid antigen tests now available

A message from Kate Windsor, Director of Safety.
As we head into the second week of classes for the Fall term, it is exciting to see the campus bustling with the energy of new and returning students. Here are a few things to note about helping keep yourselves and your peers safe.  

Rapid antigen tests

Rapid antigen tests are available to students who need them at Campus Housing Front Desks, as well as at the Turnkey Desk locations in the Student Life Centre and Davis Centre. Each student may access a limited stock of kits. Households/roommates who want tests are asked to pick up one kit (of 5) per household.  

Individuals with COVID-19 symptoms who use rapid antigen tests should be aware that they may produce false negative results, particularly early in COVID-19 infection. Repeat testing at least 24 hours after an initial negative test is necessary. Those with COVID-19 symptoms shall not end their isolation period, despite a negative rapid test result, until their symptoms have been improving for 24 hours (or 48 hours if gastrointestinal symptoms) and no fever is present. Individuals must follow the isolation guidelines in our student protocols, available on our COVID-19 website. 

Rapid antigen tests are not recommended for people who do not have symptoms and they should not be used for screening purposes. 

Students may also access rapid test kits at most grocery stores and pharmacies – for a list of locations, visit the provincial website.  

Medical masks 

When you are in close contact with others – for example in classrooms – we strongly encourage you to consider wearing a tight-fitting, multi-layer mask. Both cloth and disposable medical masks are available for students, and can be picked up upon request at several locations including: 

  • Turnkey Desks (SLC and DC) 
  • Residence Front Desks 
  • Dana Porter and Davis Centre Libraries 
  • The Centre (in Needles Hall) 

A medical mask provides the best protection. 

On campus vaccine centre 

A vaccine centre is available at Health Services and open to all students, employees, and family members of students and employees. Vaccines available are Moderna and Pfizer. Appointments must be booked in advance, and you must be free of COVID-19 symptoms to attend. Please call 519-888-4096 to book your appointment or visit the website for more information. 

Protocol for when you are sick 

We ask that you do the Ontario self-assessment if you have COVID-19 symptoms or think you were exposed to the virus. Find out more about student protocols for classes and exams in the case you are ill, including how to self-declare your absence in Quest.  

Thank you in advance for all your efforts to keep our campus community safe.