Graduate funding and awards database: Program: Arts: Religious Studies

  • A scholarship valued at $2,500, will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full-time in the Faculty of Mathematics or the Faculty of Arts at the University of Waterloo with a demonstrated area of interest in computational rhetoric, computational analysis and/or generation of rhetoric and persuasive text.

  • Awards are available to full-time Faculty of Arts graduate students enrolled in a research-based masters or PhD program.

  • The Faculty of Arts Departmental Graduate Scholarships have been established to administer graduate student funding contributions received as part of the graduate funding package in Arts.

  • The Faculty of Arts Graduate Award has been established to provide financial support to eligible students as part of their graduate funding package in the Faculty of Arts.

  • Through a commitment of financial support from the Faculty of Arts, awards are available to encourage full-time and part-time graduate students to present their own research (oral, poster, paper) at an academic conference and engage in academic dialogue within their field of study and research.

  • The CGS Committee for the Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities requests nominations annually. Gustave O. Arlt (1895-1986) was the first president of the Council of Graduate Schools, former faculty member and Dean of the Graduate School at UCLA, and a scholar of German language and literature. In 1971 he established the award that bears his name to provide recognition, each year, to a young scholar who has written a book that represents an outstanding contribution to scholarship in the humanities.

  • In 2002, Mary Bales, MA English 1972, MA Philosophy 1973 and 2002 recipient of the Arts Alumni Achievement Award, established a scholarship for graduate students in the Faculty of Arts.

  • This scholarship has been established in memory of Professor Paul Seligman.

  • This scholarship will be used to enhance external scholarships like Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS),and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).

  • The Warren Ober Awards for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student may be granted to graduate students who have made significant contributions to teaching within the Faculty of Arts.

  • The Wayne C. Fox scholarship was established to attract the very best students to the Faculty of Arts and to recognize the achievements of outstanding young scholars.

  • The Wayne C. Fox scholarship was established to attract the very best students to the Faculty of Arts and to recognize the achievements of outstanding young scholars.