Brandon Sweet
University Communications
Info session for Staff International Experience Fund
When Amanda McKenzie travelled to India as part of the Staff International Experience Fund (SIEF) to learn how standards and perceptions of academic integrity and academic scholarship vary around the world, she thought she knew what to expect.
“A lot of the stereotypes I had before I went to India were broken almost immediately,” she said.
It was one of many experiences for Amanda, who will share her SIEF stories and experiences along with Kelly McManus, who travelled to Australia, at a Lunch and Learn on Wednesday, noon to 1:00 p.m. in EC1-1227 (Philanthropy room). The session will also include information about how to apply for the SIEF by Ian Rowlands, AVP, Waterloo International. Please feel free to bring your lunch. Light refreshments (coffee and cookies) will be provided.
Follow Christine Kampen Robinson’s experience on Twitter as she travels through Europe (@ckampenr) and Waterloo International (@WaterlooINT) as well as details about the SIEF including deadlines at on the Waterloo International website.
Report your nest sightings on Goose Watch 2017
Enjoy them while they're young. But don't turn your back on them.
This week marks the annual launch of Goose Watch at the University of Waterloo. Goose Watch is a crowdsourced tool that allows users to view and report goose nesting locations on campus. It also allows users to plan routes around campus based on their comfort levels around nesting geese.
Like most new parents, Canada geese are very protective of their young. During nesting season, Plant Operations will be taking the usual precautions by posting signs and barricades in areas where possible territorial bird behavior may arise.
To show respect to these soon-to-be-parents, Goose Watch 2017 has the following tips for pedestrians:
- If a goose acts aggressively, back away slowly and calmly.
- When passing geese, keep your chest and face pointed towards them. Maintain direct eye contact.
- Be neutral. Do not show fear or act in a hostile manner.
In a few weeks, tiny goslings will be taking their first steps on campus and learning to swim in Laurel Creek. Until then, watch this educational video about nesting geese on our campus and record your goose sightings in Goose Watch.
Goose Watch is a collaboration between the Faculty of the Environment’s Mapping, Analysis, and Design department and the Student Success Office. Follow #GooseWatch17 for updates from UWaterloo Life.
Celebration 2017 launch event tomorrow
The Celebration 2017 Steering Committee is inviting students to join them on Tuesday, April 11 for The Celebration 2017 Legacy Project launch event at the Bombshelter Pub in the Student Life Centre from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The Celebration 2017Legacy Project is seeking student proposals for a creative and innovative design that will transform a campus space, and the winning team will receive $10,000.
"Bring your teammates and come to ask questions, or come meet up with possible team members," says a note from the event organizers. "Site maps and brainstorming resources will be available at the event. Free refreshments will be available while supplies last. Members of the project Steering Committee will be in attendance. We hope to see you there!"
For more information about the Celebration 2017 Legacy Project, please visit the Celebration 2017 website.
Deadline to get Fees Arranged is April 24
The due date for students to submit their payment or Promissory Note to become Fees Arranged for Spring 2017 term without a late fee is Monday, April 24, according to a message from Student Financial Services. If there is a balance on students' account prior to the due date, the due date applies.
"If you are not Fees Arranged by June 30, you will be unenrolled and lose access to assignments, exams and course material on the online learning system LEARN," says the message from Student Financial Services. "If you are a co-op student on a recruiting term, your active applications on WaterlooWorks will also be cancelled."
Laurier students enrolled in courses at Waterloo and students on a co-op work term who are only enrolled in PD courses do not need to attain Fees Arranged status.
Students can view their bill for Spring 2017 by logging in to Quest, going to Student Centre, and then clicking Finances>Account Inquiry.
There are two ways to become Fees Arranged:
- Payment in full - bank payment, Western Union Global Pay for Students or a certified cheque, money order or bank draft originating from a Canadian or US bank.
- Promissory Note - if students want to deduct approved financial aid (including funding from Waterloo) and only pay the remaining balance, they must submit the Promissory Note. Follow the step-by-step instructions. The Promissory Note will be available beginning noon on Thursday, March 30.
Students can use Aeroplan miles or TD Travel Rewards points to pay tuition.
If the Promissory Note is not submitted, financial aid will not be deducted from a student's balance owing, including scholarships, bursaries, and award funding. Government student loan and grant funding will not be sent until "Fees Arranged" status has been secured.
OSAP recipients are advised not to submit an OSAP estimate along with their Promissory Note.
Fall OSAP amounts will be posted to student Quest accounts under 'Anticipated Aid' on an ongoing basis over the next several weeks. As an alternative, students can use a screenshot of their funding summary page from their OSAP account showing an approved OSAP assessment, to submit the Promissory Note.
Student Awards & Financial Aid recommends that students apply early for OSAP and allow up to 4 weeks processing time for supporting documentation.
If students don't have proof of funding by the due date, there are two options:
- Paying fees in full by the due date to avoid late fees;
- Submit the Promissory Note once acceptable proof of financial aid or payment of the remaining balance has been secured
Exchange and study abroad students coming to Waterloo should refer to their admission documents for specific fee and payment information.
Anyone with questions can contact Student Financial Services at sfs@uwaterloo.ca or find helpful information on the Student Financial Services website.
Link of the day
When and where
Sustainable Campus Photo Contest,Monday, March 20 – Friday, April 21, across campus.
Green Office Energy Challenge, Thursday, March 30 to Friday, April 21, across campus.
NEW - UWRC presents Mindfulness Meditation: Awareness, Monday, April 10, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., MC 5501.
Supporting Nurses with Health Information Technology: Cognitive Functions of the Kardex and 'Brains' Artifacts, Monday, April 10, 2:30 p.m., East Campus 4 2101a. Register for this FREE event. Coffee and snacks will be available.
CBB Bioinnovations seminar featuring Zhanfeng Cui, PhD, Donald Pollock Professor of Chemical Engineering, Director, Oxford Centre for Tissue Engineering and Bioprocessing, Director, CRMI Technology Centre, University of Oxford, "From Fundamental Research to Commercial Bio-Manufacture," Tuesday, April 11 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., EC5 1111. Networking reception with light refreshments immediately following the talk. Registration is required for this FREE event. Please RSVP via EventBrite.
NEW - Celebration 2017 launch event, Tuesday, April 11, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Bombshelter Pub, Student Life Centre.
University Club Easter Buffet, Wednesday, April 12 and Thursday, April 13, 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., University Club.
Pizza with the Profs, "Zero-effort Ambient Vitals Monitoring" with Jennifer Boger, Assistant Professor, Systems Design Engineering, Wednesday, April 12, 12:00 p.m., Grand River Hospital Freeport Campus. Register.
NEW - UWRC presents Stress Management with Megan, Wednesday, April 12, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., EV2 2002.
Staff International Experience Fund Lunch & Learn, Wednesday, April 12, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., EC1-1227 (Philanthropy Room). Feel free to bring your lunch. Some light refreshments (coffee and cookies) will be provided.
WaterTalks Lecture, Water: Abundance, Scarcity, and Security in the Age of Humanity, Wednesday, April 12, 2:00 p.m., QNC 0101.
Good Friday holiday, Friday, April 14, most university buildings closed.
WISE Public Lecture featuring Professor S. Eswar Prasad, "Piezoelectric Materials and their Applications," Tuesday, April 18, 10:30 a.m., CPH 4333.
Retirement celebration for Sandra Hayes, Tuesday, April 18, 3:30 p.m., East Campus 1. RSVP online.
#PowerShiftWR: Transforming Energy in Waterloo Region, Tuesday, April 18, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Kitchener Public Library Main Branch.
WISE Lecture Series: Energy-Secure, Adaptable Housing and Infrastructure for Remote and Northern Communities, Wednesday, April 19, 10:30 a.m., CPH 4333.
UWRC Book Club, The Piano Teacher by Janice YK Lee, Wednesday, April 19, 12:00 p.m., LIB 407.
NEW - Deadline for students to get "Fees Arranged," Monday, April 24.
Vision Science Graduate Research Conference 2017, Monday, April 24, all day, Optometry Room 1129.
Examination period ends, Tuesday, April 25.
Pharmacy Research Day, showcasing graduate student research, Wednesday, April 26, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., School of Pharmacy.
Staff Appreciation Lunch, Wednesday, April 26 to Friday, April 28, 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., University Club.
Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, "Cultivating Curiosity in Teaching and Learning," Thursday, April 27, Science Teaching Complex.
PhD oral defences
Computer Science. Laura Inozemtseva, "Data Science for Software Maintenance." Supervisors, Reid Holmes, Michael Godfrey. Thesis available from MGO - mgo@uwaterloo.ca. Oral defence Thursday, April 13, 1:30 p.m., DC 1304. Note the new time of the defence.
Combinatorics and Optimization. Alinson Xavier, "Computing with Multi-Row Intersection Cuts." Supervisor, Ricardo Fukasawa. Thesis available from MGO - mgo@uwaterloo.ca. Oral defence Tuesday, April 25, 1:00 p.m., MC 6486.
School of Planning. Dave Guyadeen, "Evaluation in Planning: An Investigation into Plan Quality and its Application to Official Plans in the Ontario-Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) Region." Supervisor, Mark Seasons. On display in the Faculty of Environment, EV1 335. Oral defence Tuesday, April 25, 1:00 p.m., EV1 221.
English Language and Literature. Corrie Shoemaker, "Shakespeare Adaptations in a Canadian Context and the Question of Canadian Identity." Supervisor, Kenneth Graham. On deposit in the Arts graduate office, PAS 2428. Oral defence Wednesday, April 26, 12:00 p.m., HH 232.