Waterloo Cases in Design Engineering (WCDE) has been established at the University of Waterloo to enrich our students’ learning experience, through the development of engineering case studies and their implementation in undergraduate courses throughout the engineering faculty.
WCDE cases are developed primarily from our own student work term experience, to help bring this real-world co-op experience into the classroom. The content of a work term report and a case study is essentially the same, so the conversion process consists largely of editing to adjust the structure and ensure clarity for a wider audience. Students may upload their work reports to WCDE to have their report considered for conversion by WCDE staff.
The WCDE Case writing opportunity is an alternate approach which lets students get more involved with the case writing process, wherein students are paid to convert their own work term reports into case studies. All engineering students are invited to participate. Upon completion, students will be paid $1000 and receive a technical writing certificate for their case study. Explore the process to proceed.
All current Waterloo engineering students are eligible to participate in this competition.
Students who complete a case study under this program will
- receive a total of $1000
- receive a certificate of completion for professional writing
- become a published author of a professional engineering document