Date: April 4, 2019
Subject: Changes to the Finance website are coming!
What is happening?
The Finance website is getting a new look and feel! In order to protect and safeguard the internally-focused finance website information, faculty- and staff-related content will be relocated to a secure CAS-authenticated Finance website, leaving only generic and externally-focused information available on the external internet.
Putting internal or proprietary information behind security will also help the University prevent or reduce phishing events where the fraudster poses as a University employee with inside information or knowledge they gathered from our public websites.
When is this happening?
As of April 7th, visitors will see a noticeable change to the Finance website. Website navigation headers in the left-menu which previously contained sub-menus of content and materials directed at internal audiences will instead contain call to action buttons directing users to the authenticated site. Upon clicking on the call to action button, faculty and staff will be requested to log in via CAS to access the content previously available on our external site.
What does this mean to me?
Current Finance links saved as favourites will no longer be accessible. The new Finance Resources site will in large part mirror the content of the previous site, so it should be fairly easy to find and set new favourites.
Faculty and staff can quickly connect to the new site via the Information for Staff and Faculty section of the current site. To access this content, you will be required to log in via CAS.
Prospective and current students will continue to access the information related to tuition and their student account in the same way they have in the past. There is no change to the Student Financial Services portion of the website under Information for Students. Students will also have a more visible call to action button on the front of the Finance homepage that will redirect them to the Student Financial Services area of the site.
What if I have questions?
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ashley Schatz or Corrine Krauss.