Student Financial Services Moving to East Campus 5 on June 2nd

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Student Financial Services group of Finance (previously called “Student Accounts”) currently located on the 1st floor of Needles Hall will be moving to join their colleagues on the 4th floor of East Campus 5 (EC5) on Thursday June 2nd.  The office will be closed on June 2nd to facilitate the move.

Services currently offered in the Needles Hall location will be transitioned in stages prior to the official move date:

  • Payments currently made at Student Financial Services are to be made in Finance on the 4th floor of EC5 effective Monday May 16th
  • Drop in help for students with questions will remain in Needles Hall until June 1st

Please be aware that response times, particularly to emails, may be longer than normal during the transition.  We are hoping to keep the disruption to services as minimal as possible, but we do appreciate your patience leading up to our move date and as we settle in to our new space.