Tuition fee estimates

Using the Tuition Fee Estimator

The Tuition Fee Estimator provides you with a rounded estimate of the total amount that will be charged to your student account at University of Waterloo - tuition, and incidental fees, and if applicable, an estimate of the cost of residence and meal plan. Your tuition fees are assessed based on your domestic residency or international immigration status.

You can use the Tuition Fee Estimator to,

  • generate an estimate of tuition and incidental fees to support your international study permit application and arrange your payment of the estimated tuition fees 
  • compare overall costs of various programs
  • make personal financial plans to fund your education

To review other expenses that may be associated with your academic career at Waterloo (off-campus housing, groceries, textbooks, equipment, supplies, etc.) you can refer to funding graduate school or funding undergraduate studies.

The Tuition Fee Estimator provides an estimate based on the period of time you have selected in the form. Additional detailed breakdown of the estimated amount is not available. You can review our current Fee Schedules for more information on the components of your estimate.

The Tuition Fee Estimator is based on the most recent tuition rates approved by the Board of Governors (2024/2025) and it is updated once per year. It assumes you are beginning your degree program in the fall 2024 term (an estimate for winter or spring program start is not available). If you are required to complete a preliminary English language training program (BASE, iBASE, EFAS, iEFAS) before entering your degree program, please be aware that

  • your estimate will not include the cost of the terms you are in the English language training program
  • the actual cost of your degree program will be based on tuition fees in effect for the term you actually begin the degree program and may be higher than the estimate you generate now

After completing the Tuition Fee Estimator form, you can review a summary estimate and then choose to have a copy of the estimate in PDF delivered to your email inbox. The email accompanying your PDF estimate will outline instructions for making a payment and generating a receipt once your payment arrives.