Workshop on Canadian Perspectives on Research and Education in Support of Fire Resilient Societies

The full-day workshop was held in Engineering 7 at the University of Waterloo on March 26, 2019. The workshop aimed to discuss current and emerging Canadian perspectives on research and education in support of fire resilient societies.

A group of approximately 70 attendees:

  • Learned about international fire safety initiatives from two international speakers sharing EU experiences in
    • Why Fire Safety is Important in Tomorrow’s World
    • Development of an Agenda 2030 for a Fire Safe World
  • Shared insights into the breadth of fire safety research and resources in Canadian universities 
  • Brainstormed current and emerging fire safety issues from a Canadian perspective
    • Prioritized needs in the short and intermediate-term 
    • Discovered opportunities to leverage government funding to increase the power of research 
  • Networked and connected with university researchers, graduate students and scholars

Presentation Slides

Speaker Presentation

Dr. Margaret Simonson McNamee

Lund University

Why Fire Safety is Important in Tomorrow's World and IAFSS Agenda 2030 for a Fire Safe World


Brian Wiens

Natural Resources Canada

The Blueprint for Wildland Fire Science in Canada


*Si vous voulez les diapositives en français, veuillez contacter Brian

Chris Jelenewicz


The SFPE Roadmap for Research Needs for Fire Safety Engineering Profession


Jackie Serviss

University of Waterloo

Overview of Government Collaborative Research Funding Programs


Dr. Beth Weckman

University of Waterloo

Overview of Canadian Fire Safety Academic Capabilities and Education Programs 


Submitted Slides from Canadian Academic Fire Research Groups