
What feminism means to me

My name’s Leanne, and I am a 3rd year Women’s Studies Major. I never thought of myself as a feminist though after beginning my first semester of University I was enrolled in Introduction to Women’s Studies and soon realized that being a feminist and feminism was something much different then what I originally believed it to be. I was aware of most women’s issues but didn’t know what feminism and Women’s Studies was all about. By the end of first semester of my first year I was completely on board with feminist issues and I wanted to learn more. I now know that the word feminism doesn’t have to be radical but that it is a way to make change, a cause, a stand, or a strong way to identify yourself. A feminist is a person interested in women’s issues and rights, who isn’t afraid to speak up for what they believe in. Now I identify myself as a feminist and with that have decided to be a part of the Women’s Studies Society of the University of Waterloo. I know that the knowledge I gain from this program will stick with me for the rest of my life, helping me to gain knowledge, strength and help other women advocate for their rights as women. Whether that be while I am a student, a stay at home mom, an advocate, a wife, or in the workplace.