Contact us

Contact graduate studies

We'll help you find what you're looking for.

For student administrative needs and official documents

Contact The Centre

Popular services offered by The Centre include:

  • answers to general questions (i.e. programs offered, registration questions, financial advice)
  • ordering official documents (i.e. transcripts, proof of enrolment letters, diplomas)
  • other services (i.e. Commissioner of Oaths services, pop-up Service Canada location, etc.)

To contact members of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA)

Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) is temporarily located on the fourth floor of East Campus 2 (EC2). 

Please contact one of our team members directly with any specific questions/inquiries, or if you have any general questions, use the contact us form

For specific questions about graduate programs and admission requirements

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Program contacts

  • The best way to learn more information about a program is to contact the academic unit directly, each of our program pages will include specific contact information.

  • Alternatively, you can choose the faculty associated with your program (below) to find out who to talk to.

  • For general admission and application questions - ask the bot!