- D. Ding, X.Y. Wu, “Evaluating the Economic and Carbon Emission Reduction Potential of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle-to-Grid,” DeCarbon, 2025 accepted
- C. Cunanan, M. Jain, A.D. Nimubona, X.Y. Wu, “Cost benefit analysis of grid-based electrolytic ammonia production across Canadian provinces,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 99 2025 793-807
- S. Skribbe, M. Liu, S. Patel, M.J. Rix, F. Bensebaa, L. Mak, X.Y. Wu, “The levelized cost of carbon abatement (LCCA) in substituting conventional ammonia production with power-to-ammonia for fertilizer, hydrogen and export,” Applied Energy, 373 2024 123859
- D. Ding, X.Y. Wu, “Hydrogen fuel cell electric trains: technologies, current status, and future,” Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 7 2024 100255
- H. Li, K.W. Ahmed, M.A. Abdelsalam, M. Fowler, X.Y. Wu, “From Seawater to Hydrogen via Direct Photocatalytic Vapor Splitting: A Review on Device Design and System Integration,” Frontiers in Energy, 18 2024 291–307
- A. Akhand, X.Y. Wu, “Current Research on Gaseous Ammonia Detecting and Capture Technologies,” Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 36 2023 100515 (Invited Contribution)
- A. Patankar, X.Y. Wu, W. Choi, H.L. Tuller, A.F. Ghoniem, “A comparative analysis of integrating thermochemical oxygen pumping in water-splitting redox cycles for hydrogen production,” Solar Energy, 264 2023 111960
- M.A. Giovanniello, X.Y. Wu, “Hybrid lithium-ion battery and hydrogen energy storage systems for a wind-supplied microgrid,” Applied Energy, 345 2023 121311
- A. Wu, J. Lv, X. Xuan, J. Zhang, A. Cao, M. Wang, X.Y. Wu, Q. Liu, Y. Zhong, W. Sun, Q. Ye, Y. Peng, X. Lin, Z. Qi, S. Zhu, Q. Huang, X. Li, H.B. Wu, J. Yan, “Electrocatalytic disproportionation of nitric oxide towards nitrogen fixation,” Advanced Energy Materials, 13(14) 2023 2204231
- X.Y. Wu, H. Karakoç, S.D. Kim, Y. Liang, “Clean energy technologies for a net-zero emissions future: an editorial for the special issue comprising of the selected papers presented at the 13th and 14th International Green Energy Conferences (IGEC2021 and IGEC2022), both held online,” International Journal of Green Energy, 20 (12) 2023 1-1
- A. Patankar, X.Y. Wu, W. Choi, H.L. Tuller, A.F. Ghoniem, “Efficient Computation of Radiative Heat Recovery from Porous Ceramic Monoliths for Efficient Solar Thermochemical Fuel Production,” SolarPACES 2023, Sydney, 2023
- D. Ding, X.Y. Wu, “Operation optimization of fuel cell electric vehicle-to-grid in Alberta by mixed integer linear programming,” IEEE the 11th International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE 2023), Oshawa, 2023 (featured at Waterloo News, and picked up by CityNews, The Record, )
- C.J. Cunanan, C.A.E. Casas, M. Yorke, M. Fowler, X.Y. Wu, “Design and analysis of an offshore wind power to ammonia production system in Nova Scotia,” Energies, 15(24) 2022 9558
- Z. Zhu, H. Wang, X.Y. Wu, K. Luo, J. Fan, “Computational screening of metal-organic frameworks for ammonia capture from H2/N2/NH3 mixtures,” ACS Omega, 42 (7) 2022 37640–37653
- A. Patankar, X.Y. Wu, W. Choi, H.L. Tuller, A.F. Ghoniem, “A reactor train system for efficient solar thermochemical fuel production,” Journal of Solar Energy Journal, 144 (6) 2022 061014
- M. Jain, R. Muthalathu, X.Y. Wu, “Electrified ammonia production as a commodity and energy storage medium to connect the food, energy, and trade sectors,” iScience, 25 (8) 2022 104724
- G. Chen, A. Feldhoff, A. Weidenkaff. C. Li, S. Liu, X. Zhu, J. Sunarso, K. Huang, X.Y. Wu, A. F. Ghoniem, W. Yang, J. Xue, H. Wang, Z. Shao, J.H. Duffy, K.S. Brinkman, X. Tan, Y. Zhang, H. Jiang, R. Costa, K. A. Friedrich, R. Kriegel, “Roadmap on Sustainable Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conducting Membranes,” Advanced Functional Materials, 32 (6) 2022 2105702
- A. Patankar, X.Y. Wu, W. Choi, H.L. Tuller, A.F. Ghoniem, “Efficient Solar Thermochemical Hydrogen Production in a Reactor Train System with Thermochemical Oxygen Removal,” 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Columbus, 2022
- A. Wu, J. Yang, B. Xu, X.Y. Wu, Y. Wang, X. Lv, Y. Ma, A. Xu, J. Zheng, Q. Tan, Y. Peng, Z. Qi, H. Qi, J. Li, Y. Wang, J. Harding, X. Tu, A. Wang, J. Yan, X. Li, “Direct ammonia synthesis from the air via gliding arc plasma integrated with single atom electrocatalysis,” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 299 2021 120667
- F. Elmanakhly*, A DaCosta*, B. Berry, R. Stasko, M. Fowler, X.Y. Wu, “Hydrogen economy transition plan: A case study on Ontario,” AIMS Energy, 9(4) 2021 775–811 (*equal contributions)
- X.Y. Wu, Y. Luo, F. Hess, W. Lipinski, “Editorial: Sustainable hydrogen for energy, fuel and commodity applications,” Frontiers in Energy Research, 9 2021 698669
- A. Patankar, X.Y. Wu, W. Choi, H.L. Tuller, A.F. Ghoniem, “A reactor train system for efficient solar thermochemical fuel production,” 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Virtual, 2021
- X.Y. Wu*, L. Cai*, X. Zhu, A.F. Ghoniem, W. Yang, “A high-efficiency novel IGCC-OTM carbon capture power plant design,” Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, 2 2020 e10059 (*equal contributions)
- L. Cai*, X.Y. Wu*, X. Zhu, A.F. Ghoniem, W. Yang, “High-performance oxygen transport membrane reactors integrated with IGCC for carbon capture,” AIChE Journal, 66(7) 2020 e16427 (*equal contributions)
- Y.X. Ma,Y.Y. Ma, J. Li, Q. Li, X. Hu, Z. Ye, X.Y. Wu, C.E. Buckley, D. Dong, “CeO2-promotion of NiAl2O4 reduction via CeAlO3 formation for efficient methane reforming,” Journal of the Energy Institute, 93(3) 2020 991 - 999
Before 2020
- X.Y. Wu, A.F. Ghoniem, “Mixed ionic-electronic conductive (MIEC) membrane for thermochemical reduction of CO2: A review,” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 74 2019 1 - 30
- X.Y. Wu, A.F. Ghoniem, “CO2 reduction and methane partial oxidation on surface catalyzed La0.9Ca0.1FeO3-δ oxygen transport membranes,” the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37(4) 2019 5517 - 5524
- X.Y. Wu, A.F. Ghoniem, “Hydrogen-assisted carbon dioxide thermochemical reduction on La0.9Ca0.1FeO3-δ membranes: a kinetics study,” ChemSusChem, 11 2018 483 - 493 (featured at MIT News, and picked up by other media)
- Y. Luo, X.Y. Wu, Y. Shi, A.F. Ghoniem, N. Cai, “Exergy analysis of an integrated solid oxide electrolysis cell-methanation reactor for renewable energy storage,” Applied Energy, 215 2018 371 - 383
- X.Y. Wu, M. Uddi, A.F. Ghoniem, “Enhancing co-production of H2 and syngas via water splitting and POM on surface-modified oxygen permeable membranes,” AIChE Journal, 62(12) 2016 4427 - 4435, (invited contribution to AIChE Journal as “Best paper” initiative)
- X.Y. Wu, L. Chang, M. Uddi, P. Kirchen, A.F. Ghoniem, “Toward enhanced hydrogen generation from water using oxygen permeating LCF membranes,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 2015 10093-10107
- D. Huang, X. Y. Wu, Z. Wu, W. Li, H. T. Zhu, B. Sunden, “Experimental study on heat transfer of nanofluids in a vertical tube at supercritical pressures,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 63 2015 54-61
- D. Huang, B. Ruan, X.Y. Wu, W. Zhang, G.Q. Xu, Z. Tao, P.X. Jiang, L.X. Ma, W. Li, “Experimental study on heat transfer of aviation kerosene in a vertical upward tube at supercritical pressure,” Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(2) 2015 425 – 434
- W. Zhang, D. Huang, X.Y. Wu, Y.C. Song, S.Z. Chen, W. Li, H. Zhu, “Convection heat transfer of Fe3O4-kerosene in a vertical tube at supercritical pressures”, CIESC Journal, 66(4) 2015, 1265 - 1271
- W. Li, X.Y. Wu, Z. Luo, R.L. Webb, “falling water film evaporation on newly-designed enhanced tube bundles,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54(13-14) 2011 2990-2997
- W. Li, X.Y. Wu, Z. Luo, S.C. Yao, J.L. Xu, “Heat transfer characteristics of falling film evaporation on horizontal tube arrays,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54(9-10) 2011 1986-1993
- Z. Luo, X.Y. Wu, W. Li, “Experimental study on water falling film evaporation on enhanced tubes,” Journal of Engineering Thermodynamics, 31(11) 2010 1893-1896