Journal Paper
X.Y. Wu*, L. Cai*, X. Zhu, A.F. Ghoniem, W. Yang, “A high-efficiency novel IGCC-OTM carbon capture power plant design”, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, 2020, in press(*equal contributions) FULLTEXT
L. Cai*, X.Y. Wu*, X. Zhu, A.F. Ghoniem, W. Yang, “High-performance oxygen transport membrane reactors integrated with IGCC for carbon capture”, AIChE Journal, 2020, in press (*equal contributions) FULLTEXT
Y Ma,Y Ma, J Li, Q Li, X. Hu, Z. Ye, X.Y. Wu, C.E. Buckley, D. Dong, “CeO2-promotion of NiAl2O4 reduction via CeAlO3 formation for efficient methane reforming", Journal of the Energy Institute, 93 (3) 2020 991 - 999 FULLTEXT
X.Y. Wu and A.F. Ghoniem, “Mixed ionic-electronic conductive (MIEC) membrane for thermochemical reduction of CO2: A review", Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 74 2019 1 - 30 FULLTEXT
X.Y. Wu and A.F. Ghoniem, “CO2 reduction and methane partial oxidation on surface catalyzed La0.9Ca0.1FeO3-δ oxygen transport membranes”, the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (4) 2019 5517 - 5524, FULLTEXT
Y. Luo, X.Y. Wu, Y. Shi, A.F. Ghoniem, N. Cai, “Exergy Analysis of an Integrated Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell-Methanation Reactor for Renewable Energy Storage”, Applied Energy, 215 2018 371 - 383, FULLTEXT
X.Y. Wu, A.F. Ghoniem, “H2-assisted CO2 thermochemical reduction on La0.9Ca0.1FeO3-δ membranes”, Chemsuschem,11 2018 483 - 493, FULLTEXT
X.Y. Wu, M. Uddi, A.F. Ghoniem, “Enhancing co-production of H2 and syngas via water splitting and POM on surface-modified oxygen permeable membranes”, AIChE Journal, 62 (12) 2016, 4427 - 4435, (invited submission in AIChE Journal “Best paper” initiative) FULLTEXT
X.Y. Wu, L. Chang, M. Uddi, P. Kirchen, A.F. Ghoniem, “Toward enhanced hydrogen generation from water using oxygen permeating LCF membranes”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 2015 10093-10107 FULLTEXT
D. Huang, X. Y. Wu, Z. Wu, H. T. Zhu, W. Li, B. Sunden, "Experimental Studies on Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in a Vertical tube at Supercritical Pressures", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 63 2015 54-61. FULLTEXT
D. Huang, B. Ruan, X.Y. Wu, W. Zhang, G.Q. Xu, Z. Tao, P.X. Jiang, W. Li, “Experimental Study on Heat Transfer of Aviation Kerosene in a Vertical Upward Tube at Supercritical Pressures”, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23 (2) 2015 425 - 434 FULLTEXT
W. Li, X.Y. Wu, Z. Luo, R.L. Webb, “Falling Water Film Evaporation on Newly-Designed Enhanced Tube Bundles”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54 (13-14) 2011 2990-2997 FULLTEXT
W. Li, X.Y. Wu, Z. Luo, S.C. Yao, J.L. Xu, “Heat Transfer Characteristics of Falling Film Evaporation on Horizontal Tube Arrays”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54 (9-10) 2011 1986-1993 FULLTEXT
Z. Luo, X.Y. Wu, W. Li, “Experimental Study on Water Falling Film Evaporation on Enhanced Tubes (abstract in English)”, Journal of Engineering Thermodynamics, 31 (11) 2010 1893-1896 FULLTEXT
Oehmke, X.Y. Wu, J.T. Johnston, C. Gutierrez, D. Patel, et al., “Unique Identities", Science, 364(6435) 2019, 22 – 24 FULLTEXT
Peer-reviewed Conference Proceeding
Y. Luo, X.Y. Wu, Y. Shi, A.F. Ghoniem, N. Cai, “Exergy Efficiency Analysis of a Power-to-Methane System Coupling Water Electrolysis and Sabatier Reaction”, ECS Transactions, 78(1) 2017 2965-2973 FULLTEXT
X.Y. Wu, D. Huang, W. Li, G.Q. Xu, Z. Tao, P.X. Jiang, “Experimental Study on Heat Transfer of Fuel-Particle Mixtures in Vertical Tube at Supercritical Pressure”, ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, Minneapolis, 2013 FULLTEXT
X.Y. Wu, W. Li, Z. Luo, “Falling Water Film Evaporation on Horizontal Finned Tube Arrays at Low Pressure”, the ASME/JSME 2011 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Honolulu, 2011 FULLTEXT
W. Li, X.Y. Wu, Z. Luo, “Falling Film Evaporation of Water on Horizontal Configured Tube Bundles”, the 14th International Heat Transfer Conference, Washington, DC, 2010 FULLTEXT
Z. Luo, X.Y. Wu, W. Li, “Experimental Study on Water Falling Film Evaporation on Enhanced Tubes” , Annual Chinese Conference on Engineering Thermophysics, Heat & Mass Transfer, Qingdao, China, 2009
Conference presentations
- Y. Chen, X.Y. Wu*, G. Dimitrakopoulos*, A.F. Ghoniem, “Fabrication of novel Janus membrane for high temperature oxygen separation and water thermochemical reduction,” 2019 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, 2019 (*equal contributions)
- X.Y. Wu, A.F. Ghoniem, “Techno-economic study of H2 production from membrane-supported H2O splitting and fuel-assisted H2O electrolysis,” 2019 World Fuel Cell Conference, Shanghai, 2019 (Invited Speaker)
- X.Y. Wu, A.F. Ghoniem, “Techno-economic study of H2 production from membrane-supported H2O splitting and fuel-assisted H2O electrolysis,” the 14th International Conference on Catalysis in Membrane Reactor, Eindhoven, 2019 (Keynote Speaker)
- X.Y. Wu, Y.D. Chen, A.F. Ghoniem, “Design and cost analysis of perovskite oxygen permeable membrane reactors for hydrogen and syngas co-production”, Applied Energy Symposium, AEAB2019, Boston, 2019 (Recommended to the special issue in Applied Energy)
- X.Y. Wu, Y.D. Chen, A.F. Ghoniem, “Techno-Economic Analysis of Membrane-Supported H2O Splitting with CO2 capture”, 2018 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, 2018
- X.Y. Wu, A.F. Ghoniem, “Technoeconomic study of advanced H2 production technologies: membrane-supported H2O splitting, thermochemical redox H2O splitting and fuel-assisted H2O electrolysis”, 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, 2018
- X.Y. Wu, A.F. Ghoniem, “CO2 reduction and methane partial oxidation on surface catalyzed La0.9Ca0.1FeO3-δ oxygen transport membranes”, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, 2018,
- X.Y. Wu and A.F. Ghoniem, “Co-splitting H2O and CO2 on a surface catalyzed oxygen permeable membrane reactor”, the 15th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes, Dresden, 2018
- X.Y. Wu and A.F. Ghoniem, “Kinetics and Material Stabilities for Membrane-Supported H2O/CO2 Splitting”, 2017 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, 2017
- X.Y. Wu and A.F. Ghoniem, “CO2Splitting Using MIEC Membranes”, 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, 2017
- X.Y. Wu, “Investigating Kinetics Under Extremely-Harsh Conditions for Energy and Food Processing”, 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, 2017
- Y. Luo, X.Y. Wu, Y.X. Shi, A.F. Ghoniem, “Exergy efficiency analysis of a power-to-methane system coupling water electrolysis and Sabatier reaction”, 15th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Hollywood, 2017
- X.Y. Wu and A.F. Ghoniem, “Enhanced CO2 dissociation on surface Catalyzed oxygen permeable membranes”, 13th International Conference On Catalysis in Membrane Reactors, Houston, 2017
- X.Y. Wu and A.F. Ghoniem, “Thermodynamic Analysis of Oxygen Permeable Membrane Reactor for Hydrogen Production from Water”, 13th International Conference On Catalysis in Membrane Reactors, Houston, 2017
- X.Y. Wu and A.F. Ghoniem, “Perovskite as Oxygen Permeable Membrane and Catalyst for Fuel Production from H2O/CO2 Thermolysis”, 2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, 2016
- X.Y. Wu and A.F. Ghoniem, “Thermodynamic Analysis of Oxygen Permeable Membrane Reactor for Hydrogen Production from Water”, 2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, 2016
- G. Dimitrakopoulos, X.Y. Wu, A.F. Ghoniem, "Enhancing syngas production during methane reforming using a La0.9Ca0.1FeO3-δ ion transport membrane", 2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, 2016
- X.Y. Wu, “Semi-Permeable Membrane Reactor for Catalysis, Hydrocarbon Processing and CO2 Reuse”, 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2016 Abstract
- X.Y. Wu and A.F. Ghoniem, “Water Splitting and Partial Oxidation of Methane Using an Oxygen Permeable Membrane with Ni Catalyst”, 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2016 Abstract
- X.Y. Wu and A.F. Ghoniem, “Enhanced hydrogen production from water thermolysis on an oxygen permeable membrane: The role of sweep surface reactions”, the 14th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes, Atlanta, 2016
- X.Y. Wu and A.F. Ghoniem, “Solar to Fuel: Hydrogen production from water enhanced by an oxygen permeable membrane reactor”, MIT2016 Frontiers Symposium, Boston, 2016.
- X.Y. Wu, M. Uddi, A.F. Ghoniem, “Hydrogen Production Using MIEC Membranes for Water Thermolysis with Partial Oxidation of Methane”, 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, 2015 (Best Presentation award) Video Recording Link
- Z. Luo, X.Y. Wu, W. Li, “Experimental Study on Water Falling Film Evaporation on Enhanced Tubes (abstract in English)” , Annual Chinese Conference on Engineering Thermophysics, Heat & Mass Transfer, Qingdao, China, 2009