Monday, March 13, 2023
Effective April 30, 2023, the IST-hosted individual user network drives and related profiles for employees ('fileu' and 'filep') and students ('files' and 'fileq') in the Faculties of Arts, Environment, Health, and Science will no longer be offered.
What do staff, students, and faculty in Arts, Environment, Health and Science need to do?
- Files on your N: drive you wish to keep access to must be migrated to your OneDrive by April 30. Please follow the migration steps in the appropriate support article below.
- Instructors, please update all course notes that reference N: drives to point to an alternate, University-supported storage option (e.g., OneDrive).
- Please contact your Faculty IT contact for assistance.
Content must be migrated by April 30, 2023 to prevent data loss.
Additional Resources
Note: Faculties of Math and Engineering host their own N: drives and are not included in this change.
Questions or concerns? Please contact your IST Account Rep.