Microsoft 365 online learning resource now available!

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

What is happening? The Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways site is now available for all Waterloo faculty, staff, and students.

What is Microsoft 365Learning Pathways?Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways is an on-demand, self-service solution designed to provide learning resources and videos for common Microsoft (Office) 365 applications and services including Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint, and more! It also provides quick links to other IT support resources, including the IST Service Desk and Knowledge Base.

How do I access the learning pathways site? Bookmark the Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways site, or look for links to the appropriate training resources from the Office 365 website and IST Service Catalogue.

This site can be customized to address the MS Office 365 learning needs of our campus community. Please let us know of additional content that would be helpful. Check the site for changes as the content evolves to meet our needs. 

Questions or concerns? Please contact the IST Service Desk, or ext. 44357.