Updates to the IST Knowledge Base - February 8

Friday, January 29, 2021

What is happening? The IST Knowledge Base will be consolidated and accessible at https://uwaterloo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ISTKB/. The on-prem Knowledge Base will no longer be available as of Monday, February 8.

Why is this happening? Content in the on-prem IST Knowledge Base has not been updated since the Knowledge Base migrated to Confluence Cloud in November 2020. All up-to-date content can be accessed at https://uwaterloo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ISTKB/.

What is the impact? The IST Knowledge Base will no longer be available athttps://wiki.uwaterloo.ca/Please note this change will not affect any other Confluence spaces hosted on https://wiki.uwaterloo.ca/.

What do website content editors need to do? If you have any links to the on-prem IST Knowledge Base on your website(s), please update with new links to the cloud version of the IST Knowledge Base before February 8.

Questions or concerns? Please contact the IST Service Desk, helpdesk@uwaterloo.ca or ext. 44357.