Assessing Risk for Delegated Review of Non-Academic Surveys

This resource can be used by members of the university community to assess the risk level of the survey they wish to conduct and the level of review required. Risk assessment considers physical, psychological risks and protection of privacy. Expand the sections below for definitions,  clarifications of terms, and an outline of the process for assessing academic research survey risk.

Survey risk level definitions

  • Direct identifiers: name, email, address, SIN, student/employee ID, information for incentives
  • Highly personal information: names, email, SIN, detailed demographics, information for incentives
  • Incriminating information: survey asks for information which could increase risk of criminal or civil liability, or affect financial standing, employability or reputation
  • Indirect identifiers: combinations of data which could point to an individual, such as program & year of graduation, combination of gender, program & location
  • Sensitive information: questions about drug/alcohol use, sexual attitudes/behaviours, mental health, socially sensitive behaviours, experience related to violence or abuse
  • Substantial burden: requires a time commitment of more than 20-30 minutes to complete the survey
  • Vulnerable populations are: children, individuals who are institutionalized, who have disabilities, economic or education disadvantages or there are power relationships between surveyor and survey participants

Low risk | No formal review required, IAP available for consultation

Survey does not involve any of the following:

  • Vulnerable populations
  • Administered by a third party
  • Target population more than 500 respondents per Policy 55 – Non-Academic Surveys with University Populations
  • Collection of highly personal information
  • Privacy concerns due to identifiable data by direct identifiers, including if kept separate from responses
  • Sensitive information
  • Potentially incriminating information
  • Substantial burden
  • Privacy concerns due to identifiable data by indirect identifiers

If determined to be low risk, no formal review required, IAP available for consultation.

Medium risk | Formal IAP review required

Survey does not involve any of the following:

  • Vulnerable populations
  • Administered by a third party
  • Target population more than 500 respondents
  • Sensitive information
  • Potentially incriminating information
  • Substantial burden
  • Privacy concerns due to identifiable data by indirect identifiers

Survey may involve any of the following:

  • Collection of highly personal information
  • Privacy concerns due to identifiable data by direct identifiers, including if kept separate from responses

If determined to be medium risk, submit survey documents to IAP via the survey review form.

High risk | Formal IAP & Survey Advisory Committee (SAC) review required

Survey may involve any of the following:

  • Vulnerable populations
  • Administered by a third party
  • Target population more than 500 respondents
  • Sensitive information
  • Potentially incriminating information
  • Substantial burden
  • Privacy concerns due to identifiable data by indirect identifiers

If determined to be high risk, complete and submit the Survey Advisory Committee (SAC) Review form (PDF) and all pertinent survey documents to IAP via the survey review form. SAC review is coordinated by IAP; SAC approval will be required prior to survey administration.