Academic Support Staff Positions (Staff Complement)
The staff positions reported are ongoing positions (filled and open) supported by operating funds, for which the university has made a budgetary commitment. The full-time equivalency of part-time positions is calculated on the annual hours worked.
Average Salary - Fiscal
The fiscal average salary is used in analysis involving fiscal year expenditures. When the salary year and fiscal year coincide, the nominal and fiscal year salaries are equivalent. When they do not coincide, the fiscal average salary is calculated as a weighted average of the nominal salaries paid during the fiscal year. For example, for a fiscal year beginning May 1 and a salary year beginning July 1, the fiscal average salary is 2/12ths of the May 1 nominal average salary plus 10/12ths of the July 1 salary.
Average Salary - Nominal
The nominal average salary is the average salary of full-time faculty, including lecturers and Faculty deans, holding an appointment with a duration of one year or more. The nominal salary (or base salary) excludes stipends, overload appointments, and professional allowances. Faculty on leave are included in the average at full salary.
Basic Income Unit (BIU)
BIUs are funding units defined by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU). Each student reported to the government for funding purposes generates a specified number of funding units (BUIs) depending on the program of registration and the level of study. Undergraduate weightings in non-medical programs are from 1.0 to 3.0; masters, 3.0 to 4.0; and doctoral, 6.0.
BIU Teaching Unit (BTU)
BTUs are funding units defined by the University of Waterloo for internal use. They are a measure of the government operating grant generating capacity of a Faculty. In contrast with the BIUs claimed to government in which the Faculty receives credit for students registered, BTUs give undergraduate credit for student term courses taught. Student term courses taught are converted to BTUs using the average course load and BIU weight for students registered in the Faculty. Graduate BIUs and BTUs are equivalent.
The budget is the ongoing operating budget as reported for financial planning purposes. Budgets exclude benefit costs.
Corridor Midpoint
Corridor midpoints were defined by the MTCU for each university in Ontario. Grant funding to the institution is based on an institution's corridor midpoint, not on the actual BIUs registered. Waterloo's 2008/09 corridor midpoint is 42,159 BIUs.
Distance Education Students
Students registered only in distance education courses
Faculty Complement
The faculty complement is the number of ongoing faculty positions (filled and open) for which the university has made a budgetary commitment. This number is distinct from other counts of full-time faculty such as those reported to Statistics Canada and in "Summary of Faculty Appointments" in the Senate Finance Package. The latter two report full-time appointments of at least one year if the faculty member is supported by operating funds or is an instructor.
Federated & Affiliated Colleges and University
Conrad Grebel University College, Renison University College, St. Jerome's University, St. Paul's University College, University of Waterloo
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Faculty
The FTE for faculty is calculated as the operating expenditures on faculty salaries (from the Audited Financial Statement) divided by the average nominal salary of full-time faculty. For years in which the fiscal and salary years do not coincide (prior to 1994/95), a fiscal average salary is used. The inclusion of all expenditures on faculty salaries adjusts for leaves, sessionals, and adjunct and part-time faculty. Early retirement allowances reported in the financial statement under faculty salaries expenses are excluded for 1994/95 and 1995/96.
Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Graduate Enrollment
Graduate students normally register for three terms per year. With three terms of registration a full-time student generates 1.0 FTE and a part-time student 0.3 FTE.
Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Undergraduate Enrollment
Full-time undergraduates normally register for two terms per year. Full-time students generate 1.0 FTE with two terms of registration. Part-time FTEs are calculated by dividing the total courses taken by 10, the expected average two-term course load.
Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Undergraduates Taught
This is a measure of the number of full-time equivalent students taught by a Faculty. It is calculated as the number of term courses taught by a Faculty divided by the average course load of full-time students registered in that Faculty.
Home Enrolled Undergraduate
Home enrolled undergraduates is the full-time equivalency of students registered in the Faculty.
Mixed Students
Students registered in any combination of distance education, on campus or off-campus courses
Off-Campus Students
Students registered only in courses offered at off-campus locations
On-Campus Students
Students registered only in courses offered on campus
Operating Expenditures
Operating expenditures used in the tables are those reported in the Financial Statement as expenditures from operating funds. In cases where the Financial Statement does not provide sufficient detail, these expenditure data have been obtained from detail reports that support the Financial Statement.
Part-time Students
Students registered in no more than two courses
Program Type
Honours, General, Non-Degree, Post-Degree, Masters, or Phd
Qualifying Students
- Graduate students taking undergraduate level courses
- Study-term Co-op Students
- Registered co-op students who are on a study term
System of Study
Regular or Co-op
Total University Operating Income
The total operating income is budgeted income, excluding the grant in lieu of municipal taxes. The income is net transfers with the UW Colleges.
Work-term Co-op Students
Co-op students who are on a co-op work term
Year One Enrollment
Year one enrollment is the count of full-time students registered in the fall term at the year one level in direct-entry programs. This includes students who are repeating, have changed from part-time to full-time, or have transferred from another program and Second-entry programs such as Optometry, Bachelor of Social Work and Pharmcy.
Year One Enrollment Target
The year one enrollment target is the total number of year one students expected to be registered on November 1. The year one target, applications and applicant confirmation/registration history are used to determine the number of offers of admission to be issued. These targets are reviewed annually by the Faculty deans and associate deans.