Section I (Common University Data Ontario 2009)

I1 - University Revenue


Revenue Type Operating Other NC Subtotal Ancillary
MTCU: Basic Formula Grant 146,416 0 146,416 0
MTCU: Non-Formula Grant 0 0 0 0
MTCU: Other Grants and Contracts 50,139 0 50,139 0
Ontario (excl MTCU): Government Grants and Contracts 2,573   2,573 0
Subtotal: Ontario Grants and Contracts 199,128 0 199,128 0
Federal Government Grants and Contracts 252 0 252 0
Municipal Government Grants and Contracts 41 0 41 0
Other Provinces Government Grants and Contracts 0 0 0 0
Foreign Government Grants and Contracts 0 0 0 0
Tuition Fees 167,468 2,075 169,543 0
Miscellaneous Fees 18,039 0 18,039 31,260
Borrowings 0 0 0 0
Donations and Non-Govt. Grants & Contracts 4,598 0 4,598 343
Sales of Services and Products 0 0 0 43,275
Investment Income: Endowment 274 0 274 0
Investment Income: Other 15,096 0 15,096 72
Miscellaneous 8,387 3 8,390 2,144
TOTAL 413,283 2,078 415,361 77,094

Revenue Type Entities Consolidated Sponsored Research Entities Not Consolidated Sponsored Research Subtotal Sponsored Research Trust Capital Total Expendable Funds Endowment
MTCU: Basic Formula Grant 0 0 0 0 0 146,416 0
MTCU: Non-Formula Grant 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MTCU: Other MTCU Grants and Contracts 1,586 0 1,586 6,618 19,248 77,591 2,073
Ontario (excl MTCU): Government Grants and Contracts 23,526 76 23,602 19 0 26,194 0
Subtotal: Ontario Grants and Contracts 25,112 76 25,188 6637 19,248 250,201 2,073
Federal Government Grants and Contracts 80,612 0 80,612 0 0 80,864 0
Municipal Government Grants and Contracts 376 0 376 0 17,868 18,285 0
Other Provinces Government Grants and Contracts 27 0 27 0 0 27 0
Foreign Government Grants and Contracts 1,383 0 1,383 0 0 1,383 0
Tuition Fees 0 0 0 0 0 169,543 0
Miscellaneous Fees 0 0 0 0 2,327 51,626 0
Borrowings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Donations and Non-Govt. Grants & Contracts 27,488 0 27,488 46,624 15,405 94,458 35,149
Sales of Services and Products 0 0 0 0 0 43,275 0
Investment Income: Endowment 0 0 0 6,906 0 7,180 3,594
Investment Income: Other Investment Income 0 0 0 2371 68 17,607 -239
Miscellaneous 78 0 78 37 94 10,743 0
TOTAL 13,5076 76 13,5152 62,575 55,010 74,5192 40,577

I2 - University Expenses


# Expense Type Operating Other NC Subtotal Ancillary
1 Salaries and Wages        
  i) Academic Ranks 11,3793 0 11,3793 0
  ii) Other Instruction and Research 22,807 37 22,844 0
  iii) Other Salaries & Wages 121,741 186 121,927 17,008
  Total Salaries and Wages 258,341 223 258,564 17,008
2 Employee Benefits 49,701 28 49,729 3,444
  Total Salaries and Benefits 308,042 251 308,293 20,452
3 Library Acquisitions 6,909 0 6,909 0
4 Equipment and Furniture Purchases 13,726 2 13,728 3,019
5 Equipment Rental and Maintenance 4,510 0 4,510 1,542
6 Printing and Duplicating 3,571 31 3,602 1,194
7 Materials and Supplies 9,820 13 9,833 1,208
8 Communications 1,108 0 1,108 161
9 Professional Fees 4,471 204 4,675 96
10 Costs of Goods Sold 0 0 0 16,278
11 Travel 8,647 6 8,653 171
12 Utilities 11,142 0 11,142 2,385
13 Renovations and Alterations 4,257 0 4,257 18,77
14 Externally Contracted Services 1,474 0 1,474 1,848
15 Scholarships, Bursaries, etc. 30,481 0 30,481 0
16 Debt Repayments 0 0 0 2,908
17 Interest 559 0 559 2,157
18 Building, Land and Site Services 53 0 53 17
19 Other Operational Expenditures 16,720 186 16,906 5727
20 Internal Cost Allocations -25,219 79 -25,140 8,353
21 External Cost Recoveries -14,357 -22 -14,379 0
  TOTAL 385,914 750 386,664 69,393
# Expense Type Entities Consolidated Sponsored Research Entities Not Consolidated Sponsored Research Subtotal Sponsored Research Trust Capital Total
1 Salaries and Wages            
  i) Academic Ranks 9,148 0 9,148 1,073 0 124,014
  ii) Other Instruction and Research 27,926 76 28,002 371 0 51,217
  iii) Other Salaries & Wages 9,480 0 9,480 681 0 149,096
  Total Salaries and Wages 46,554 76 46,630 2,125 0 324,327
2 Employee Benefits 5,634 0 5,634 265 0 59,072
  Total Salaries and Benefits 52,188 76 52,264 2,390 0 383,399
3 Library Acquisitions 0 0 0 53 0 6,962
4 Equipment and Furniture Purchases 15,083 0 15,083 950 465 33,245
5 Equipment Rental and Maintenance 1,141 0 1,141 35 0 7,228
6 Printing and Duplicating 466 0 466 111 0 5,373
7 Materials and Supplies 5,800 0 5,800 201 46 17,088
8 Communications 169 0 169 12 0 1,450
9 Professional Fees 914 0 914 122 751 6,558
10 Costs of Goods Sold 0 0 0 0 0 16,278
11 Travel 7,245 0 7,245 571 0 16,640
12 Utilities 0 0 0 0 0 13,527
13 Renovations and Alterations 695 0 695 153 3,791 10,773
14 Externally Contracted Services 0 0 0 2 0 3,324
15 Scholarships, Bursaries, etc. 8,525 0 8,525 12,405 0 51,411
16 Debt Repayments 0 0 0 0 153 3,061
17 Interest 0 0 0 0 640 3,356
18 Building, Land and Site Services 0 0 0 0 65,647 65,717
19 Other Operational Expenditures 11,278 0 11,278 1,983 717 36,611
20 Internal Cost Allocations 16,787 0 16,787 0 0 0
21 External Cost Recoveries 0 0 0 0 0 -14,379
  TOTAL 120,291 76 120,367 18,988 72,210 667,622