Section K (Common University Data Ontario 2012)

K1 - Academic Plans

Please visit the findoutmore website for more information on Academic Programs.

K2 - Key Performance Indicators, Employment Rate of Graduates in Undergraduate Programs


Program Employment Rate (2 years) Employment Rate (6 months)
Agriculture & Biological Science 86.00% 81.36%
Architecture 91.67% 90.48%
Business & Commerce 100.00% 96.05%
Computer Science 98.84% 90.36%
Engineering 94.64% 86.89%
Fine & Applied Arts 93.33% 85.71%
Humanities 87.61% 79.79%
Kinesiology, Recreation & Phys. Educ. 93.67% 92.96%
Law 94.12% 78.57%
Mathematics 96.05% 82.52%
Optometry 96.97% 100.00%
Other Arts & Science 92.04% 90.43%
Other Health Professions 89.66% 75.00%
Physical Science 88.89% 88.24%
Social Science 92.16% 86.35%
OVERALL AVERAGE 93.51% 87.03%

K2A - Key Performance Indicators, Degree Completion Rate for Undergraduate Cohort, New Year 1 Students


Program Graduation Rate
Agriculture & Biological Science 80.2%
Architecture 95.2%
Business & Commerce 83.0%
Computer Science 82.8%
Engineering 88.6%
Kinesiology, Recreation & Phys. Educ. 80.9%
Mathematics 85.3%
Optometry 96.9%
Other Arts & Science 72.8%
Physical Science 67.4%
Social Science 78.4%
Overall Average 81.0%

K3 - Retention Rates


Year Retention Rate
Year 1 to Year 2 90.4%