Section I (Common University Data Ontario 2015)

I1 - University Revenue for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2014

Revenue Type Operating Other NC Subtotal Ancillary
   i) Basic Formula Grant 206,321 0 206,321 0
ii) Non-Formula Grant        
iii) Other MTCU Grants and Contracts 38,810 0 38,810 0
b) Other Ontario Government Grants and Contracts 649 0 649 0
Total Ontario Grants and Contracts 245,780 0 245,780 0
c) Federal 1,055 0 1,055 0
d) Municipal 62 0 62 0
e) Other Provinces 0 0 0 0
f) Foreign 0 0 0 0
a) Tuition Fees 323,141 0 323,141 0
b) Miscellaneous Fees 28,211 10 28,221 37,540
Borrowings 0 0 0 0
Donations and Non-Govt. Grants & Contracts 7,262 0 7,262 40
Sales of Services and Products 0 0 0 49,313
a) Endowment 419 0 419 0
b) Other Investment Income 13,442 2 13,444 46
Miscellaneous 9,143 0 9,143 339
TOTAL 628,515 3,772 632,287 87,278
Revenue Type Entities Consolidated Entities Not Consolidated Subtotal Trust Capital Total Expendable Funds Endowment
   i) Basic Formula Grant 0 0 0 0 0 206,321 0
ii) Non-Formula Grant              
iii) Other MTCU Grants and Contracts 1,442 0 1,442 5,639 5,106 50,997 0
b) Other Ontario Government Grants and Contracts 24,535 0 24,535 9 0 25,193 0
Total Ontario Grants and Contracts 25,977 0 25,977 5,648 5,106 282,511 0
c) Federal 113,472 0 113,472 5 135 114,667 0
d) Municipal 1,109 0 1,109 0 100 1,271 0
e) Other Provinces 625 0 625 0 0 625 0
f) Foreign 1,730 0 1,730 0 0 1,730 0
a) Tuition Fees 0 0 0 0 0 323,141 0
b) Miscellaneous Fees 0 0 0 0 634 66,395 0
Borrowings 0 0 0 0 20,500 20,500 0
Donations and Non-Govt. Grants & Contracts 34,408 55 34,463 10,291 3,576 55,632 7,160
Sales of Services and Products 0 0 0 0 0 49,313 0
a) Endowment 0 0 0 11,276 100 11,795 13,208
b) Other Investment Income 0 0 0 2,562 0 16,052 0
Miscellaneous 49 0 49 43 0 9,574 0
TOTAL 177,370 55 177,425 29,825 30,151 956,966 20,368

Source: COU.COFO-UO Financial Report.

University of Waterloo Financial Statements:

Note: Does not include affiliated institutions, but includes other campuses.

I2 - University Expenses for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2014

# Expense Type Operating Other NC Subtotal Ancillary
1 Salaries and Wages        
  i) Academic Ranks 166,338 0 166,338 0
  ii) Other Instruction and Research 24,603 57 24,660 0
  iii) Other Salaries & Wages 180,066 458 180,524 17,860
  Total Salaries and Wages 371,007 515 371,522 17,860
2 Employee Benefits 74,666 99 74,765 3,744
  Total Salaries and Benefits 445,673 614 446,287 21,604
3 Library Acquisitions 8,174 0 8,174 0
4 Equipment and Furniture Purchases 18,252 0 18,252 2,522
5 Equipment Rental and Maintenance 7,229 0 7,229 1,356
6 Printing and Duplicating 3,807 7 3,814 555
7 Materials and Supplies 11,197 11 11,208 770
8 Communications 2,951 72 3,023 129
9 Professional Fees 3,652 352 4,004 283
10 Costs of Goods Sold 0 0 0 20,796
11 Travel 12,033 2 12,035 222
12 Utilities 17,746 0 17,746 2,331
13 Renovations and Alterations 7,359 0 7,359 2,873
14 Externally Contracted Services 9,210 8 9,218 949
15 Scholarships, Bursaries, etc. 60,523 0 60,523 0
16 Debt Repayments (151) 0 (151) 1,635
17 Interest 321 0 321 1,628
18 Building, Land and Site Services 266 0 266 227
19 Other Operational Expenditures 16,250 349 16,599 6,813
20 Internal Cost Allocations (28,498) 0 (28,498) 7,995
21 External Cost Recoveries (15,679) (15) (15,694) 0
  TOTAL 580,315 1,400 581,715 72,688
# Expense Type Entities Consolidated Entities Not Consolidated Subtotal Trust Capital Total
1 Salaries and Wages            
  i) Academic Ranks 9,652 0 9,652 1,927 0 177,917
  ii) Other Instruction and Research 16,029 0 16,029 373 0 41,062
  iii) Other Salaries & Wages 18,335 2 18,337 1,312 0 218,033
  Total Salaries and Wages 44,016 2 44,018 3,612 0 437,012
2 Employee Benefits 6,716 0 6,716 499 0 85,724
  Total Salaries and Benefits 50,732 2 50,734 4,111 0 522,736
3 Library Acquisitions 0 0 0 97 0 8,271
4 Equipment and Furniture Purchases 30,687 0 30,687 1,070 2,516 55,047
5 Equipment Rental and Maintenance 1,363 0 1,363 29 0 9,977
6 Printing and Duplicating 509 0 509 50 0 4,928
7 Materials and Supplies 7,772 5 7,777 179 29 19,963
8 Communications 243 0 243 20 0 3,415
9 Professional Fees 931 0 931 71 0 5,289
10 Costs of Goods Sold 0 0 0 0 0 20,796
11 Travel 8,709 16 8,725 961 0 21,943
12 Utilities 0 0 0 0 0 20,077
13 Renovations and Alterations 443 0 443 73 4,031 14,779
14 Externally Contracted Services 7,059 0 7,059 757 13 17,996
15 Scholarships, Bursaries, etc. 33,862 0 33,862 14,544 0 108,929
16 Debt Repayments 0 0 0 0 604 2,088
17 Interest 0 0 0 0 642 2,591
18 Building, Land and Site Services 0 0 0 0 70,020 70,513
19 Other Operational Expenditures 25,616 32 25,648 639 75 49,774
20 Internal Cost Allocations 20,503 0 20,503 0 0 0
21 External Cost Recoveries 0 0 0 0 0 (15,694)
  TOTAL 188,429 55 188,484 22,601 77,930 943,418

Source: COU.COFO-UO Financial Report.

University of Waterloo Financial Statements:

Note: Does not include affiliated institutions, but includes other campuses.