University of Waterloo students drive themselves every day to achieve academically, and they require and deserve facilities which support their learning as well as their mental, physical, and emotional health.
With many students regularly spending several hours per day or even full days at the Library, updating amenities for study, instruction, relaxation, and social connection are crucial to student success. The Dana Porter Library and the Davis Centre Library are often filled to capacity with students who are looking for individual and group study space, as well as space for active learning. Current limitations on additional building construction require a creative re-purposing of the existing layouts.
You can help
Waterloo students are bright, driven, and ambitious, but to achieve their potential, they need a solid foundation of physical and mental wellness. As a popular space of learning and collaboration, the Library can and must also offer students wellness support. You can help with a gift to the Library's renovation and refurbishment project, which will allow us to develop more spaces for collaboration, focused study, and wellness programing, and update amenities to serve physical health. With your support, we can serve Waterloo students holistically, ensuring they have all the resources they need to truly make an impact.
New third-floor study booth, Dana Porter Library