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folio 57rDetailed Manuscript Information (based on Ernest Langlois, Les manuscrits du Roman de la rose. Description et classement, Geneva: Slatkine Reprints, 1974, p. 5-6):

Parchment, measure: 374 x 280mm, 160 fols at two columns, 41 lines. Beginning of the second folio : Ens en le mileu vi Haïne. Bound in the coat of arms of Colbert. This manuscript contains the Roman de la rose (fols 1-139r), the Testament (fols 140r-153r) by Jean de Meun, the Sept articles de la foi (fols 154r-159v) by Jean Chapuis and the Codicille (159v-160r).

Scène illustrée

Le mari jaloux gronde sa femme.


  1. On a flyleaf: Le Romant de la Rose. Est a Jehan, filz de roy de France, duc de Berry et d'Auvergne, conte de Poitou, d'Estampes, de Bouloingne et d'Auvergne. Flamel.
  2. Fol. 160r: Ce livre est au duc de Berry. Jehan. The Duke of Berry had received it on July 7 (or June) 1403 from Martin Gouge, bishop of Chartres and the duke's treasurer. It was given to Guillaume Lurin on March 3, 1414. (Langlois, 5 n.1)

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