Computing Advisory Committee (CAC)

The Computing Advisory Committee is a standing committee of the Faculty of Mathematics Council (Council bylaw V (h); effective September 1, 2009).

Duties and powers

  • to advise the associate dean, computing on procedures and priorities for the use of computing resources within the Faculty

  • to participate in continuous long-term planning for the renewal of computing resources in the Faculty, including attention to the relationship with central university computing resources


  • the associate dean, computing, who shall be chair
  • one faculty member from each department and school, appointed by the respective department chairs and school director for two year terms, except for shorter terms when needed to provide for rotation
  • one graduate student representative, elected by the graduate students in the Faculty
  • one undergraduate student representative nominated by the Mathematics Society, and appointed by the dean


  • once per term

Current members

  • Marek Stastna, Associate Dean Computing (chair)
  • Francis Poulin, Applied Mathematics
  • Douglas Stebila, Combinatorics and Optimization
  • Michael Rubinstein, Pure Mathematics
  • Martin Lysy, Statistics and Actuarial Science
  • Christopher Batty, Cheriton School of Computer Science
  • Lori Suess, staff, MFCF