Description of mathematical software


AMPL is a computer language for describing production, distribution, blending, scheduling and many other kinds of problems known generally as large-scale optimization or mathematical programming. A student version can be downloaded from the AMPL website.


Graduate students can purchase a copy of Maple for home use from the Computing Help Information Place (CHIP) in Mathematics & Computer Building (MC) 1052.


MATLAB can be downloaded from the MathWorks web site. Graduate students must have their supervisor or department purchase an annual license to use MATLAB for research.


R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. Download from the R project.


RStudio is an interactive development environment for R. It can be run in two different ways: RStudio Desktop and RStudio Server.

RStudio Desktop is the simpler of the two. We recommend you use it instead of Server.

  • Linux: ssh to any of the linux.math servers and run the command rstudio
  • Mac: use the locally installed RStudio activity, or launch the XQuartz activity to start an X11 service and an xterm window, then in that xterm window ssh -X to any of the linux.math servers and run the command rstudio
  • Windows: use the locally installed RStudio activity, or launch an X11 emulator such as Putty with Xing to connect to a linux.math server and run the command  rstudio

RStudio Server runs in a web browser. Point your browser at port 8787 on any of the servers in the linux.math group.  You need to specify a particular server, not "linux.math".  For example

A list of servers is available.

Special instructions are needed for using loon in RStudio Server. It works fine in RStudio Desktop without any special steps.


A free open-source mathematics software system. Its mission is to "create a viable free open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab." Download from the Sage home page.


A general purpose statistical software package. Stata can do data management, statistical analysis, graphics, simulations, and custom programming.