View the .m files in MATLAB.
The following are HTML files created with the publishing option in MATLAB. We suggest you read them in this order.

- Definitions and operations
- Differentiation and integration
- Sparse and full matrices
- Structures
- Eigenvalue problems
- Solving linear systems
- ODEs
- Time Series
- Spectral Analysis
- Parallel and GPU

- 3D wave equation
- Waves on an annular domain
- Burger's equation and filtering
- Reaction-diffusion equation
- Helmholtz problem
- Boundary Conditions
- Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem

- Ito vs Stratonovich
- Ito convergence
- Stochastic potential well with driving and red noise
- Gillespie's algorithm (SSA)
- Pendulum (red and white noise)
- Stochastic hunter-prey model in 2D