Linux job priority

By default, all commands typed at the Linux command-line run at interactive user-interface priority. To share a multi-user machine politely, you should set a lower priority for your long-running jobs so that others still get good interactive response when they are typing.

  • priority is set in terms of a nice value
  • the default interactive priority has a nice value of zero
  • a job that runs at a high priority is less polite, or less nice, so it has a negative nice value
    • you cannot set your job to run with a negative nice value (higher priority than the default)
  • a job that runs at a lower priority is more polite, or more nice, so it has a positive nice value
    • you can set your job to run with a positive nice value
    • the range of nice values is from 0 to 20, so 20 is the most nice, i.e. the lowest priority
  • to start a job at a nice priority, put the keyword nice and the desired priority at the start of the command, e.g.
    • nice 15 ./my-long-job &
  • use the ps command to get a list of your processes along with their process ID (PID) and nice value, and the renice command to change the niceness of a job that's already running
    • the renice command takes a new nice value and the PID of the job you want to modify. Suppose your userid is jtkirk:
              % ./a.out &
              % ps -u jtkirk -o pid,nice,cmd
              PID   NI CMD
              4784   0 sshd: jtkirk@pts/41
              4786   0 -bash
              8499   0 ./a.out
              % renice 15 8499
              % ps -u jtkirk -o pid,nice,cmd
              PID    NI CMD
              4784    0 sshd: jtkirk@pts/41
              4786    0 -bash
              8499   15 ./a.out