Summary: The teaching environment includes the service of providing Linux computing resources that can be accessed from multiple platforms. The Linux operating system (OS) is an Ubuntu distribution.
Why you want this service: You use this service if you want to use Linux server hardware to perform computations for the purpose of teaching.
What you need before using this service: Standard university Nexus account.
What is included in this service: Access to Linux servers owned and operated by MFCF.
Default, optional and excluded items: Home directories are located on the central file server (files.student.math). Users are expected not to monopolize a machine.
What is not included in this service: Users are not granted root access. In-depth application support is not provided.
How to use this server:
Where you can use this service: You can SSH connect to this environment from any computer and campus and remotely using VPN.
When can you use this service:
The standard service level terms apply.