Access to teaching GPU cluster

Slurm-managed machines are all accessible via headnodes (login nodes). The teaching GPU cluster head node is Use it only for simple short-duration tasks such as writing and compiling your code, not for running jobs. Use the Slurm system to launch production jobs on the compute nodes.


  • Valid Nexus credentials
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) must be running to connect from an off campus location
  • The WatIAM user ID should be associated with one or more accounts on the Slurm management system. This is usually done for the user by the system administrator.
  • You must have up-to-date shell "rc" files (e.g. .cshrc, .profile) to use these servers. If your account was created before May 2015 and you have not yet updated your shell rc files, log into linux.student.math and run the command init_home


Connecting from a Windows Computer

  • Using PuTTY
    • Launch PuTTY and for "Host Name" field enter
      and press enter
    • Enter your Nexus/WatIAM user ID and password when prompted and hit enter for each line, as follows: .
      • Login as: UW user ID
      • Password: xxxxxxx
    • If PuTTy is not installed in your machine, download and install PuTTY
  • Other ssh utilities for Windows include:
    • MobaXterm
    • Cygwin ssh client

Connecting from Mac and Linux Computers

  • Launch Terminal
  • Enter the command

  • Enter your Nexus password when prompted and press enter. You will be signed into the server.