Module command and software on teaching GPU cluster

Environment modules are used to dynamically configure your environment. They modify $PATH and other environment variables to provide access to an application. Use the module command to manipulate modules.

Common module command options

module list list currently loaded modules
module avail list available modules
module load <ModuleFile> load module file
module unload <ModuleFile> unload module file
module help list all command options


  • before using MATLAB R2022b, run the command
    module load matlab/2022b-teaching
  • to switch from MATLAB 2021a-teaching to 2022b-teaching, run these commands:
    module unload matlab/2021a-teaching
    module load matlab/2022b-teaching
    Or you could use:
    module swap matlab/2021a-teaching matlab/2022b-teaching

Applications that use modules

For an updated module list per partition you can use module-avail command described below.

How to list application modules using the module-avail command

Applications on the clusters are updated regularly, so the tables in the two pages linked above can be outdated from time to time. Also, a module command on the head node sees only the application modules installed on the head node. To get a list of applications currently available on the compute nodes in a partition, use the module-avail command.  Examples:

  • list applications that use module files on gpu-gen partition
    • module-avail --partition=gpu-gen
  • list all the versions of a specific application module used --app option
    • module-avail -p gpu-gen --app=matlab