Additional Resources
IST is the primary resource for working at home documentation. Here are additional resources for Math Faculty staff, faculty, and grads.
- MFCF does not troubleshoot home networking issues. IST has some home network connectivity tips.
- The Math Faculty has no plans for staff to physically carry their desktop computers home with them.
Nexus-joined Windows machines
However, staff who have home computers or laptops of their own can use those for business. Staff who have a Nexus-joined, Windows, and UW-owned laptop at home need to follow the directions lower on this page for using Nexus-joined machines when off campus.
- Connect to the VPN (uw-general-campus) only when necessary:
- connecting to shared drives, or personal drives
- remote desktop to the servers
- ssh to servers
- Staff whose files are in the cloud (ownCloud, OneDrive) can work directly from their home computers.
- Staff whose files are on shared drives will need to connect to a server from home.
- For users wanting to connect to the Windows server,
- From Windows, use Remote Desktop Connection.
- you can use OneDrive on the servers.
- From macOS, use Microsoft Remote Desktop from the App Store.
- Use O365 to download applications to the home computer.
- Connect to the VPN (uw-general-campus) only when necessary:
Using Nexus-joined Windows machines when off campus:
- Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to get to the sign in screen.
- Confirm there is network connection (icon in bottom right).
- Connect to wireless network if required (e.g. first time signing in to a new machine).
- click on the wireless icon and connect to the available network.
- Click on the Network sign in icon (bottom right) to connect VPN (uw-general-campus).
- Now you are ready to sign in to Nexus with your WatIAM credentials.
- Signing in can be slow if you are signing into a new machine for the first time.
- Wait for the VPN to reconnect after sign in. The VPN connection should be left in place for the entire working day.
- MFCF strongly recommends setting Teams to not start automatically at sign in.
- Click on your avatar icon near the top right.
- Select Settings.
- Uncheck the options to Auto-start application and On close, keep the application running.
- Close the Settings windows by clicking on the X at the top right.
- Nexus-joined machines need the VPN connected for these services to work properly:
- Nexus sign-in depends on connecting to the domain controllers. User credentials are cached locally in case the domain controllers are unavailable but cached credentials expire after 30 days.
- Network drives (N: and S:) are connected automatically at sign-in. Many applications retrieve and save files to these folders and become unresponsive if the locations are not accessible.
- The Documents folder is redirected to N:\ResearchDocuments so applications also need the VPN if they are looking for the Documents folder.
- System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) also requires a VPN connection for the computer to communicate with the management server to retrieve Windows updates and application upgrades.
- Applications like MATLAB validate their licences with servers that are accessible only with the VPN connection. MATLAB requires the VPN to use the campus license.
Accessing your university Mac from your home Mac
On the university computer:
- under the Apple on the menu bar
- click System Preferences > Sharing
- Highlight Remote Management
- under Allow access for > Only these users, click the + and add your account
On the home computer:
- click on Finder and open your hard drive (e.g. Macintosh HD)
- navigate to System > Library > CoreServices > Applications > Screen Sharing
- drag the icon to your dock
- launch the screen-sharing application
- type destination computer in the Host field
- login with your Mac credentials