Nasr, A. ., Inkol, K. A., Bell, S. ., & McPhee, J. . (2021). InverseMuscleNET: Alternative machine learning solution to static optimization and inverse muscle modeling. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. (Original work published 2021)
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Nasr, A. ., Ferguson, S. ., & McPhee, J. . (2021). Model-based design and optimization of passive shoulder exoskeletons. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Presented at the. ASME.
Nasr, A. ., Bell, S. ., He, J. ., Whittaker, R. L., Jiang, N. ., Dickerson, C. R., & McPhee, J. . (2021). MuscleNET: Mapping electromyography to kinematic and dynamic biomechanical variables by machine learning. Journal of Neural Engineering. (Original work published 2021)
Inkol, K. A., & McPhee, J. . (2021). Simulating Human Upper and Lower Limb Balance Recovery Responses Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). Presented at the. Mexico: IEEE. (Original work published 2021)
Danaei, B. ., McNally, W. ., Henrikson, E. ., & McPhee, J. . (2020). Adjusting a Momentum-Based Golf Clubhead-Ball Impact Model to Improve Accuracy. 13th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association, Online, 22-26 June 2020. Presented at the. Retrieved from (Original work published 2020)
Jansen, C. ., & McPhee, J. . (2020). Predictive Dynamic Simulation of Olympic Track Cycling Standing Start Using Direct Collocation Optimal Control. Multibody System Dynamics.
Inkol, K. A., & McPhee, J. . (2020). Assessing Control of Fixed-Support Balance Recovery in Wearable Lower-Limb Exoskeletons Using Multibody Dynamic Modelling. International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BIOROB). Presented at the.
Brown, C. ., & McPhee, J. . (2020). Predictive Forward Dynamic Simulation of Manual Wheelchair Propulsion on a Rolling Dynamometer. ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering.
Ezati, M. ., Brown, P. ., Ghannadi, B. ., & McPhee, J. . (2020). Comparison of Direct Collocation Optimal Control to Trajectory Optimization for Parameter Identification of an Ellipsoidal Foot-Ground Contact Model. Multibody System Dynamics.
McNally, W. ., & McPhee, J. . (2020). Investigating the Influence of Shaft Balance Point on Clubhead Speed: A Simulation Study. 13th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association. Presented at the. Retrieved from (Original work published 2020)