Radell Heads Back to Brazil
Radell's one-year stay in the lab is over and he now heads back to Brazil. It was great having you, and a very productive start to a collaboration with the Burtoloso Lab.
Radell's one-year stay in the lab is over and he now heads back to Brazil. It was great having you, and a very productive start to a collaboration with the Burtoloso Lab.
Three new coop students have joined the group, working on our deuteration projects.
Welcome Tessa, Cole and Milena!
Our first paper in collaboration with the Burtoloso Lab of USP Brazil is published. If you are looking to a-arylate sulfoxonium ylides, give this new reaction a try.
This afternoon, Carlee presented her work on sigma holes in iodonium ylides to the GWC2 chemistry community. Well done, Carlee!
The group had a strong presence at the 33rd QOMSBOC at Concordia University in Montreal. Poster presentations were given by Carlee, Ben, Fabio, Avery and Yulia, on topics ranging from arylation, halogenation and iodonium ylide chemistry, as well as recent work on deuterium science.
Well done, all!
This year we welcome three Chem494 and one Chem392 thesis students.
Welcome to the group Ye, Emma, Wilson and Teegan!
A big thank you to Tess, Will, Sarah and Peter for all your hard work this Summer. Best of luck in your studies this Fall!
Great day for a photo, finally. (Sorry Shubham and Fabio, we had to take it without you.)
Congratulations Carlee on the successful comprehensive exam! Well done.
Our most recent review article on halogen bonding in reactions of iodonium ylides, was accepted for publication in the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.
Congratulations Carlee!