Graham Heads to the OR&P Gordon
Great opportunity to present the groups's work on iodnium ylides and halogen bonding. A big thank you to all for your hard work.
Great opportunity to present the groups's work on iodnium ylides and halogen bonding. A big thank you to all for your hard work.
Graham and Avery attended the 7th International Conference on Hypervalent Iodine Chemistry in Stockholm, Sweden. Lots of great science, and a great few days with colleagues from the HVI community.
The excursion to Birka Island was especially fun.
Carlee gave an excellent presentation on structure/reactivity relationships of iodonium ylides. One more milestone en route to the PhD is complete!
Our final summer student has arrived. We welcome Mr. Pranav Nayar, who joins us for a semester as a Mitacs Globalink Summer Intern.
It was a great week for the group in terms of awards. Avery won the prestigious Charles S. Humphrey award from GWC2 for excellence in organic chemistry, and Carlee was a recipient of a 2023 OGS award.
Well done, both of you!
Congratulations to our former PDF Léanne Racicot (@RacicotLeanne), whose paper "Synthesis and Evaluation of Fluorous- and Polystyrene-Supported Precursors for Fluoro-benziodoxole" was just accepted in Synthesis.
Well done!
The first couple summer students have arrived!
Welcome to Peter and Sarah!
Another school year has ended, which means our BSc thesis students Josh and Richard are done.
Thank you both for all your hard work this past year, and best of luck!
We would like to welcome Dr. Radell Echemendía Pérez to the lab. He joins us from the Chemistry Institute of São Carlos, USP, Brazil, as part of a FAPESP-funded collaboration between us and the lab of Dr. Antonio C. B. Burtoloso.
Welcome to the frozen North!
Tess, Quang and Will have joined the lab as eight-month co-op students, working on projects ranging from biological probes, synthetic methodology and deuteration chemistry. It's going to be a fun year!
Welcome to the group.