3rd HVI Virtual Symposium a Big Success
The 3rd HVIVS was a big success, with great talks given by Drs. Olofsson and Wirth. Congrats again to Avery and Fabio for orgnaizing this excellent event!
The 3rd HVIVS was a big success, with great talks given by Drs. Olofsson and Wirth. Congrats again to Avery and Fabio for orgnaizing this excellent event!
Congratulations Kevin on successfully defending your MSc thesis!
Thank you for all your work these past couple years, and for always making sure the group ran smoothly. Your humour will surely be missed.
Best of luck!
Owen has joined the lab to work on fluorinative aminocyclizations.
Welcome to the group!
Dan didn't get enough of the good times during his COVID-shortened coop position, so he stuck around for more HVI fun as his BSc thesis project. Welcome back!
After a wonderful year in the group, Dr. Al-Zoubi is heading home.
Thank you for all the work, advice and collaborative efforts over this past year. Your influence on the group was most beneficial, and you are welcome back anytime.
All the best!
Congratulations Liam for successfully defending your thesis!
Best of luck as you move on to your next adventure.
Avery and Fabio were at it again, hosting the second HVI-Virtual Symposium. Two great talks by the Powers and Cariou labs made this a wonderful event.
Well done, again!
Avery and Fabio put on the first HVI-Virtual Symposium. Wonderful talks by Tanja Gulder and Sarah Wengryniuk.
Well done!
Dan has joined the lab as an NSERC USRA summer student. He is going to be working on fluorinative cyclizations.
Welcome to the team!
Congratulations Avery for successfully completing the PhD comprehensive exam!
Well done!