QOMSBOC 2022 Was a Great Success
The whole lab went to QOMSBOC 2022 at McMaster, with Avery, Fabio and Carlee all presenting great posters.
Congratulations to Avery on winning a Poster Award!!!
The whole lab went to QOMSBOC 2022 at McMaster, with Avery, Fabio and Carlee all presenting great posters.
Congratulations to Avery on winning a Poster Award!!!
Congratulations to Carlee, Islam, Fabio and Tristan on the excellent paper in Chem. Eur. J.!
It is a great piece of computational and experimental work, and I am very proud of you all.
A special thank you is also owed to Scott Hopkins!
The 2022/23 group of Chem494 students have now started in the lab.
A big welcome to Josh, Richard and Chafic!
Fabio and Leanne's work on the fluorocyclization of N-methoxyamides has been accepted in Tetrahedron. This will be part of a Special Issue in honour of Dr. John L. Wood.
Congratulations Fabio and Leanne!
Congratulations Ben on the excellent Chem794 presentation. The proposal seminar on your H/D exchange reaction development was top notch!
Well done!
Avery's paper on the iodolium-catalyzed Nazarov Cyclization is published here in New. J. Chem.
If anyone has thoughts on what oxygen might be doing, we would love to hear it.
Congratulations Avery!
It has been a great month in the group for awards and scholarships.
Avery received the Ontario Graduate Scholarship in support of his continued studies, and he was also awarded a 2022 WIN Nanofellowship.
Fabio received the NSERC PGS-D in support of his continued studies.
Well done gents! Congratulations!
Welcome to our newest group members Julie and Massimo. Julie is a UWaterloo undergrad who joined as an NSERC USRA summer student, and Massimo is a Mitacs Global Link Intern who joined us from Université Grenoble Alpes in France.
The end of the school year always means the end of the BSc thesis project students' time in the group. Thank you to Lydia, Audrey, Carina and Ellie for all your hard work, and to the rest of the team for supporting and mentoring these students during their time in the group.
Best of luck in your future studies and in your new careers!
Liam and Zhao's mechanistic study on the alkene arylation reaction has been published in Can. J. Chem.
This is our 2021 Keith Fagnou award lecture paper.