The University of Waterloo will host 150 girls with their parents on Saturday to explore what a future in engineering can hold for them.  

The 12th annual Go ENG Girl event is part of a provincial initiative to spark interest in engineering at a time when young women in grades 7 to 10 begin to think about their future careers and select courses that will impact their post-secondary education.  This free event offers hands-on activities for students, and workshops for parents to support and encourage young women into science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. 

Laura Bingeman, Waterloo Engineering student and winner of the Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation scholarship will deliver the keynote address.

DATE: Saturday, October 15, 2016
TIME: Registration at 9:00 a.m., concludes at 1:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Mathematics 3 (M3) main foyer, University of Waterloo

Go ENG Girl is supported through the Ontario Network for Women in Engineering (ONWiE), chaired by Mary Wells, associate dean of Outreach at Waterloo’s Faculty of Engineering.

“Young women need strong role models and high-impact events that show them they can be engineers,” said Wells, a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at Waterloo. “Go ENG Girl is one of these events, showcasing the broad range of amazing possibilities that an education in engineering can offer women. Parents also become aware of how important it is that their daughters continue to study mathematics and sciences in high school.”

Sixteen other universities across Ontario are hosting events for a combined total of almost 2,000 girls. Go ENG Girl has expanded as well to six locations in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and New Brunswick.

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Waterloo News


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