Academic Articles

Below is a list of my academic journal publications, which I have published on the following subjects: Diversity, Gender, and Resilience; the IMF and the Global Economy; the Middle East; and Management Consulting Firms:

Diversity, Gender and Societal Dynamics

Finn, M. and Momani, B. "Local Community Care-based Activism and Civic Engagement Among Canadian Arab Youth" in Canadian Journal of Sociology, 2023.

Finn, M., Williams, K. and Momani, B. "Political Participation Among Canadian Arab Youth" in Journal of Youth Studies, 2022.

Momani, B. and Deschamps R. "Canada's Right-Wing Extremists: Mapping their Ties, Location, and Ideas" in Journal of Hate Studies, 2021.

Finn, M., Edi, M. and Momani, B. "Digital Archiving of Diasporic Cultural Productions and Transnational Citizenship of Aras in the West" in Diaspora, 2021.

Momani, B. & Johnstone, R. “Gender mainstreaming in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Department of National Defence (DND): Lessons on the implementation of Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)” in Armed Forces and Society, 2020.

Momani, B. & Johnstone, R. “Organizational change in Canadian public institutions: The implementations of GBA+ in DND/CAF” in Canadian Public Administration, 2019.

Momani, B., Dreher, E. and Williams, K. “More Than a Pipeline Problem: Evaluating the Gender Pay Gap in Canadian Academia from 1997 to 2016” in Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 2019.

Finn, M., and Momani, B."Transnational Citizenship Mobilization among Canadian Arab Youth: An Engaged Social Movement for Change in the Middle East" in Canadian Ethnic Studies, 2019.

Finn, M., Momani, B. and Hennebry."Canadian Arab Youth at the Border: Cultural Dissociation, Fear Management, and Disciplining Practices in Securitised Spaces" in Journal of International Migration and Integration, 2018.

Finn, Opatowski and Momani."Transnational Citizenship Capacity-Building: Moving the Conversation in New Directions" in International Political Sociology, 2018.

Momani, B. Synthesizing Knowledge on Rising Global Populism SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Report, 2018.

Momani and Finn. "Voting in Controversy: A Critical Analysis of the Canadian Arab Youth Vote in the 2015 Federal Election" in Canadian Political Science Review, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2017.

Stirk and Momani. Diversity Dividend: Canada’s Global Advantage CIGI-PETF Publication, 2016.(French translation, click here. Appendix of detailed statistical findings and full methodological approach, click here.)

Melissa Finn and Momani, B. "Building foundations for the comparative study of state and non-state terrorism" in Critical Studies on Terrorism, Pages 1-25, 2017.

Melissa Finn and Momani, B. "Established and emergent political subjectivities in circular human geographies: transnational Arab activists" in Citizenship Studies, Vol. 21, No. 1, Pages 22-43,2017.

Momani, B. "Canadian Foreign Policy from the roaring 1990s" special issue of International Journal, edited by Brian Bow and Andrea Lane, Number 2, Issue 72, 2017.

Melissa Finn and Momani, B. “Youth Evaluations of Countering Violent Extremism and Anti-Radicalization Programming in Kenya” in Journal for Deradicalization, No. 7, Pages 164-224, 2016.

Momani, B. “New Canadian Entrepreneurs: An Underappreciated Contribution to Canadian Society?” 6 Degrees-CIGI Special Report, September 2016.


The IMF and the Global Economy​​​

Momani B. Jordan, IFIs and Social Justice in The Impact and Influence of International Financial Institutions on the Middle East and North Africa. Edited by Tarik Radwan. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2020.

Malkin, A and Momani, B. "An Effective Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: A Bottom Up Approachin Global Policy, Vol 6, Issue 4, Pages 521-530, 2016.

Kramarz and Momani, B. Knowledge and Learning in the World Bank: Assessing the Role, Challenges and Prospects for a More Accountable IFI in Accountability for Effectiveness in Global Governance. Edited by John Kirton and Marina Larionova. Routledge Publishing, 2017.

Momani, B. and Hibben, M. "Cooperation or Clashes on 19th Street? Theorizing and Assessing IMF and World Bank Collaboration" in Journal of International Organizational Studies. Vol. 6, No. 2, Pages 27-43, December 2015.

Momani, B. "China at the IMF" in Enter the Dragon: China in the International Financial System. Co-edited by Hongying Wang and Domenico Lombardi. CIGI Publication, September 2015.

Momani, B & St. Amand, S. "Best Practices in Central Banks’ Organizational Culture, Learning and Structure: Case of the Moroccan Central Bank" in Economic Notes, October 2015.

*Helleiner, E., & Momani, B. "The Hidden History of China and the IMF" in E. Helleiner, & J. Kirshner, The Great Wall of Money: Politics and Power in China's International Monetary Relations. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014.

Momani, B., & English, K. "In Lieu of an Anchor: The Fund and its Surveillance Function" in T. Oakley, & W. Kindred Winecoff, Handbook Of The International Political Economy Of Monetary Relations, 2014.

Momani, B. "Global Financial Governance" in T. Weiss, & R. Wilkinson, International Organization and Global Governance. New York: Routledge, 2014.

Momani, B., & Cooper, A. F. "Re-balancing the G20 from efficiency to legitimacy: The 3G coalition and the practice of global governance" in Global Governance, Vol. 20, No. 2, Page 213-232, 2014.

Momani, B., & Kramraz, T. The World Bank as Knowledge Bank: Analyzing the Limits of a Legitimate Global Knowledge Actor in Review of Policy Research, Vol. 30, No. 4, Pages 409-431, 2013.

Momani, B., Brooks, S., Clarke, W., Cockburn, M., & Lanz, D. "Strengthening the Early Warning Exercise: Enhancing IMF and FSB Coordination" in World Economics, Vol. 14, No. 3, Pages 117-135, 2013.

Momani, B. "China at the International Monetary Fund: Continued Engagement In Its Drive for Membership and Added Voice at the IMF Executive Board" in Journal of Chinese Economies, Vol. 1, No. 1, Pages 125-150, 2013.

Momani, B. "The Arab Spring Can Bring a Demographic Dividend: That is Good for Business and Investors" in Global Policy, Vol. 1, No. 11, 2013.

Holroyd, C., & Momani, B. "Japan's Rescue of the IMF" in Social Science Japan Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, Pages 201-218, 2012.

Momani, B. "Academic and Think Tank Assessment of the IEO and Its Evaluations" in R. Lamdany, & H. Edison, Independent Evaluation at the IMF: The First Decade (pp. 151-174). Washington: Indepedent Evaluation Office, 2012.

Malkin, A., & Momani, B. "Emerging Powers and IMF Reform: Where Multipolarity in the World Economy is Leading the Fund" in St. Anthony's International Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, Pages 61-78, 2011.

*"Petróleo, FMI y la crisis financiera" in Vanguardia Dossier, Junio, 2010.

"I paesi in via di sviluppo e la riforma del Fondo Monetario Internazionale" in Governance economica e sistema multipolare--La ricerca di nuove regole e istituzioni edited by Paolo Guerrieri and Domenico Lombardi Il Mulino, Bologna, July 2010.

Momani, B., & Garrib, A. "Iraq's Tangled Web of Debt Reconstructuring" in M. Lamani, & B. Momani, From Desolation to Reconstruction: Iraq's Troubled Journey (pp. 157-176). Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2010.

Momani, B. "Internal or external norm champions: the IMF and multilateral debt relief" in S. Park, & A. Vetterlein, Owning Development: Creating Policy Norms in the IMF and the World Bank (pp. 29-47). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Momani, B., & Crossen, J. "Rebuking Soviet IMF Membership in an Era of Glasnost" in Review of International Affairs, Vol. 11, No. 37, Pages 69-90, 2010.

Momani, B. "IMF Rhetoric on Reducing Poverty and Inequality" in R. Wilkinson, & J. Clapp, Global Governance, Poverty, and Inequality (pp. 71-89). New York: Routledge, 2010.

*Helleiner, E., & Momani, B. "Canada and Global Financial Governance" in F. Hampson, & P. Heinbecker, Canada Among Nations, 2009-2010: As Others See Us (pp. 284-291). Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2009.

Momani, B. "Canada's IMF executive director" in Canadian Public Administration, Vol. 53, No. 2, Pages 163-182, 2010.

Momani, B. "Proposing IMF Reforms for Low Income Countries" in J. Boughton, & D. Lombardi, Finance, Development, and the IMF (pp. 247-264). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.

Helleiner, E., & Momani, B. "Slipping into Obscurity: Crisis and Reform at the IMF" in A. Alexandroff, Can the World Be Governed? Possibilities for Effective Multilateralism (pp. 353-388). Waterloo: Wildfrid Laurier University Press, 2008.

Momani, B. "IMF staff: Missing link in fund reform proposals" in Review of International Organizations, Vol. 2, No. 1, Pages 39-57, 2007.

Momani, B. "IMF Surveillance and America's Turkish Delight" in Perspectives, Vol. 27, Pages 5-24, 2007.

Momani, B. "Another Seat at the Board: Russia's IMF Executive Director" in International Journal, Vol. 62, No. 4, Pages 916-939, 2007.

Momani, B. "Assessing the Utility of and Measuring Learning from Canada’s IMF Article IV" in Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 39, No. 2, Pages 249-269, 2006.

Momani, B., & Cooper, A. F. "Negotiating Out of Argentina’s Financial Crisis" in New Political Economy, Vol. 10, No. 3, Pages 305-320, 2005.

Momani, B. "Recruiting and Diversifying IMF Technocrats" in Global Society, Vol. 19, No. 2, Pages 167-188, 2005.

Momani, B. "Limits of Streamlining Fund Conditionality: IMF’s Organizational Culture" in Journal of International Relations & Development, Vol. 8, No. 2, Pages 142-163, 2005.

Momani, B. "American Politicization of the International Monetary Fund" in Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 11, No. 5, Pages 880-904, 2004.

Momani, B. "The IMF, US War on Terrorism, and Pakistan: A Lesson in Economic Statecraft" in Asian Affairs, Vol. 31, No. 1, Pages 41-50, 2004.


The Middle East

Momani, B. (February 2022) Promoting_entrepreneurship_in_mena-_a_catalyst_for_a_sustained_and_inclusive_recovery_from_covid-19.pdf. MEI Policy Center.

Finn, M. and Momani, B. “Arab Youth Non-Movements: Resilient Citizenship in the Middle East” in The Unfinished Project of Social Movements in the Middle East and North Africa edited by Mojtaba Mahdavi (forthcoming).

Finn and Momani. "Established and emergent political subjectivities in circular human geographies: transnational Arab activists" in Citizenship Studies, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2017.

Khirfan and Momani,"Tracing Participatory Planning in Amman" in Order and Disorder: Urban Governance and the Making of Middle Eastern Cities. Edited by Luna Khirfan. McGill University Press, 2017.

*Dewitt, D. & Momani, B. "Canada and the Middle East: Working within Multilateralsim" in Beyond Afghanistan: Reflections on Canadian International Security Policy edited by James Fergusson and Francis Furtado. University of British Columbia Press, 2017.

Momani, B. "Equality and the Economy: Why the Arab World Should Employ More Women". Brookings Doha Institute Policy Brief Series, December 2016.

*Momani, B & Hakak, T. "Syria and the Responsibility to Protect" in Oxford Handbook on the Responsibility to Protect. Co-edited by Timothy Dunne and Alexander Bellamy. Oxford University Press, 2016.

*Momani, B. "Arab Dawn: Arab Youth and the Demographic Dividend they will bring" in University of Toronto Press, October 2015.

*Hampson, F., & Momani, B. "Hands On or Hands Off? Lessons from the Arab Spring" in W. Zartman, Arab Spring: Negotiating in the Shadow of Intifadat. Edited by William Zartman. Georgia: Georgia University Press, September 2015.

Momani, B., Cooper, A. and Farooq, A. “The United States and Bahrain: Interpreting the Differentiated Response to the Arab Spring” in Digest on Middle East Studies, Vol 22, Issue 2. P. 360-384, Fall 2014.

Momani, B. & Mohamed, E. "The Muslim Brotherhood: Between Democracy, Ideology and Distrust" in Sociology of Islam, Vol. 2, Issue 3-4, Pages 196-212, 2014.

Momani, B. "App-Powered Protests Put Democracy in Peril" in J. Dickovick, & J. Eastwood, Current Debates in Comparative Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, July 2014.

Momani, B., & Cooper, A. F. "The Harper Government's Messaging in the build up to the Libyan Intervention: Was Canada different then its NATO Allies" in Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2014.

Momani, B. & Lanz, D. "Change in IMF Policy Advice to North Africa after the Arab Uprisings" in Journal of Organizational Studies, Pages 1-10, 2014.

Momani, B., & Hennebry, J. "Introduction" in J. Hennebry, & B. Momani, "Targeted Transnationals: The State, The Media, and Arab Canadians", Pages 1-20. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013.

Khirfan, L., Momani, B., & Jaffer, Z. "Whose authority? Exporting Canadian urban planning expertise to Jordan and Abu Dhabi" in Geoforum, Vol. 50, No. 8, Pages 1-19, 2013.

Momani, B., & Ennis, C. "Shaping the Middle East in the Midst of the Arab Uprisings: Turkish and Saudi Foreign Policy Strategies" in Third World Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 6, Pages 1127-1144, 2013.

Khirfan, L., & Momani, B. "(Re)branding Amman: A ‘lived’ city's values, image and identity" in Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 9, No. 1, Pages 49-65, 2013.

Momani, B. "The Arab Spring Can Bring a Demographic Dividend: That is Good for Business and Investors" in Global Policy Journal, Pages 1-11, 2013. 

*Momani, B., & Hasan, W. "Arab Scholars Take on Globalization" in A. Tickner, & D. Blaney, Thinking International Relations Differently (pp. 228-250). London: Routledge, 2012.

Momani, B., & Ennis, C. "Between caution and controversy: lessons from the Gulf Arab states as (re-)emerging donors" in Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 25, No. 4, Pages 605-627, 2012.

Cooper, A. F., & Momani, B. "Qatar and Expanded Contours of Small State Diplomacy" in International Spectator, Vol. 46, No. 3, Pages 113-128, 2011.

*Momani, B. "Shifting Gulf Arab investments into the Mashreq: underlying political economy rationales" in M. Legrenzi, & B. Momani, Shifting Geo-Economic Power of the Gulf: Oil, Finance, and Institutions (pp. 163-182). London: Ashgate, 2011.

Antiewicz, A., & Momani, B. "Pursuing Geopolitical Stability through Interregional Trade: the EU’s Motives for Negotiating with the Gulf Cooperation Council" in Journal of European Integration, Vol. 31, No. 2, Pages 217-235, 2009.

Cooper, A. F., & Momani, B. "The challenge of re-branding progressive countries in the Gulf and Middle East: Opportunities through new networked engagements versus constraints of embedded negative images" in Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 5, No. 2, Pages 103-117, 2009.

Momani, B. "The Oil-producing Gulf States, the IMF and the International Financial Crisis" in World Economics, Vol. 10, No. 1, Pages 13-24, 2009.

Momani, B. "GCC Oil Exporters and the Future of the Dollar" in New Political Economy, Vol. 13, No. 3, Pages 293-314, 2008.

Momani, B. "Reacting to Global Forces: Economic and Political Integration of the GCC" in Journal of the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies, Vol. 128, Pages 47-66, 2008.

Momani, B. "A Middle East Free Trade Area: Economic Interdependence and Peace Considered" in World Economy, Vol. 30, No. 11, Pages 1682-1700, 2007.

Momani, B. "The EU, The Middle East, and Regional Integration" in World Economics, Vol. 8, No. 1, Pages 47-56, 2007.

Momani, B., & Antiewicz, A. "Canada's Economic Interests in the Middle East" in P. Heinbecker, & B. Momani, Canada and the Middle East: In Theory and Practice (pp. 161-184). Waterloo: Wildfrid Laurier University Press, 2007.

Momani, B., & Antkiewicz, A. "Forging Stronger Canada-GCC Economic Ties" in Geopolitics of Energy, Vol. 29, No. 10, 2007.

Momani, B. "Promoting economic liberalization in Egypt: From US foreign aid to trade and investment" in Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 7, No. 3, Pages 88-101, 2003.


Management Consulting Firms

Momani, B. “Professional Management Consultants’ Advice on Public Policy Issues: Growing their Transnational Impact on Shaping Solutions to Pressing Government Concerns” in Professional Networks in Transnational Governance. Co-edited by Len Seabrooke and Lasse Folke Henriksen. Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Khirfan, L., Momani, B., & Jaffer, Z. "Whose authority? Exporting Canadian urban planning expertise to Jordan and Abu Dhabi" in Geoforum, Vol. 50, No. 8, Pages 1-19, 2013.

Momani, B. "Management consultants and the United States' Public Sector" in Business and Politics, Vol. 15, No. 3, Pages 381-399, 2013.

Momani, B. "Explaining the Use of Planning Consultants in Ontario Cities” in Canadian Public Administration" w. L. Khirfan Vol. 6, Issue 3, September 2013.